October 1, 2014 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.
Members present: Managers Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, Bill Congdon & Rob Scott.
Members absent: Darrell Scott
Also present: ESA Advisory Rep. John Connaker, Ron Rutchasky of Rutchasky Enterprises, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman, and 2 members of the community.
Opening Comments: Chairman Rob Scott stated that Sewer Operator Terry Jackson and Engineer Randy Jenniges of S.E.H. were unable to attend the meeting. Randy and Sara Heger of the U of M would join the meeting via telephone.
Minutes: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of September 3, 2014. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by M. Anderson, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer/Accountant Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. September 2014 payroll expenses: Administrative – $763.13 and Operations – $1,767.02. $32,340.00 was submitted for approval on the 2014 Freezing Insurance Claim for Sept. The August 2014 Financial Statements were presented to the Board. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: Costin Group – $1,000.00; Glorvigen – $210.00; and Quill – $112.72. Settlement Fund: Menards – $454.34. Insurance Claim: Ferguson Waterworks – $14,510.22. Operations: Lake Country Power – $290.51, $137.92; $51.26; $56.87 & $67.00; A-1 – $53.44; Anchor Scientific – $77.27; Aqua-Pure – $3,000.00; Citi-Lites – $75.00; Ferguson Waterworks – $19.12; Gopher State One-Call – $4.35; Grand Rapids Public Utilities – $1,005.75; Menards – $198.00; Pace Analytical – $355.50; Rutchasky Enterprises – $990.00 & $2,620.00; Udovich Electric – $2,233.69 and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,357.12. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fund Transfers: There were no transfers approved.
- 2015 Rate Schedule/Budget: Revenue and Expense spreadsheets with projections to 2017 were emailed to the Board prior to the meeting. The spreadsheets will be updated for discussion of a 2015 rate increase at the November meeting.
- Delinquency Letters: Reminders of possible delinquency will be mailed with the October billing. The Board will decide at the November meeting to certify delinquent accounts to St. Louis County for inclusion with property taxes.
- DNR Cooperative Agreement: A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Beste, to approve the Crane Lake Public Water Access Cooperative Agreement between the State of MN and the CLWSD for 2015. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
JPB Update
- VNP Comprehensive Plan: R. Scott reported that Island View is finding it difficult to match the 8 million dollars received; Ash River is close to selecting a WWTP site. Rob updated the JPB on what the District is doing to prevent freezing and on expansion efforts. The JPB continues to support these efforts.
- State and Federal Grant Applications: Randy Jenniges is working with the MPCA to provide the District with a contract for approved grants.
ESA Expansion & Management (Bear Island, Handberg Road)
- Sara Heger of the U of M and Randy Jenniges of S.E.H. attended the meeting via telephone for this portion of the meeting.
- Randy Jenniges, S.E.H. is working with the MPCA to secure the funding for the District. B. Congdon asked who to ask about fund use. The public contract bidding process was discussed. It was decided not to do a LiDAR for the District; providing a savings to the District. S.E.H. will submit a new contract to the District excluding LiDAR work.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2014
ESA Expansion & Management (Bear Island, Handberg Road) (Cont.)
- Sara will proceed with obtaining a proposal from Jim Orton to provide the work for a CAR for the entire ESA, in phases beginning this fall or next spring, depending on Mr. Orton’s schedule. Sara will identify how the Crane Lake CAR will fit with a normal CAR.
Sewer Freezing
- Corrective Action Plan: Randy Jenniges has asked Ron Rutchasky for a quote for corrective action work; Ron will supply that quote by early next week. A Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, Oct. 7th at 9AM to discuss reducing or eliminating freezing within the parameter of available funding.
- A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by M. Anderson, to infuse water at a cost to the District of between $1,000 and $2,000. S.E.H. will put together the water infusion requirements and the District will get costing estimates from local plumbing contractors. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- The Board discussed the infusion of water into the collection system this winter by customers in strategic locations and the possibility of either lowering/or eliminating their usage charges to compensate for running their water on a regular basis. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by M. Anderson, to reduce the usage for the full year for those customers infusing extra water into the system. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- Insurance Claim. Information is being forwarded to the insurance adjustor as it is received. The insurance adjuster will meet with R. Scott and M. Anderson on Friday, October 3rd. The District has been assured that all invoices claimed will be reimbursed by the insurance company.
Treatment Plant and Operations Report
- Terry Jackson was unable to attend the meeting but provided the following report. Results from plant effluent samples collected on September 3rd and 17th were within state standards.
- The recirculation pumps continue to work well and alternate as required.
- The Biosolids Annual Report was submitted to the MPCA for the reporting period of September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014.
- Terry met with Brian Boyda, USDA-RD, for the annual plant inspection on September 23rd. The inspection went well and Terry provided Mr. Boyda with the flow data and other requested documentation.
- Tony Udovich sealed and wired the floats for the effluent pumps, replaced one bad plant heater and inspected the main control panel. All functions on the panel are operating and he did not indicate that there is any safety concerns regarding wiring in the panel. Tony will look into a recent electrical problem with the scrapper for the primary clarifier.
- The Board chose not to go with the proposed Zeigler maintenance contract to do preventive maintenance on the emergency power system, but will use local contracting support.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit): There were none.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.