December 3, 2014 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:40P.M.
Members present: Managers Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, & Rob Scott.
Members absent: Managers Bill Congdon & Darrell Scott
Also present: Randy Jenniges of S.E.H., ESA Advisory Rep. John Connaker, Ron Rutchasky of Rutchasky Enterprises, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman, and 1 member of the community.
Opening Comments: None
Minutes: A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Beste, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of November 12, 2014. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by M. Anderson, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer/Accountant Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. November 2014 payroll expenses: Administrative – $629.00 and Operations – $2,035.25. $32,640.00 was submitted for approval on the 2014 Freezing Insurance Claim for November; $146,259.83 has been submitted to date; $65,409.61 reimbursement has been received. $33,306.05 Levy, Taconite & Disparity Payments in October Tax Apportionment money was received; $16,479.78 in Special Assessments was received and transferred to the Savings Account. The October 2014 Financial Statements were presented to the Board. A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Beste, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: Costin Group – $1,076.16; Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall – $180.00; Quill – $49.04; and S.E.H – $2,250.00. Settlement Fund: Sunrise Construction – $150. Operations: Lake Country Power – $616.82, $113.32; $54.20; $62.89 & $45.00; Citi-Lites – $50.00; Gopher State One-Call – $4.35; Mountain & Co. – $2,880.00; Pace Analytical – $156.00; and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,577.20. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fund Transfers: There were no transfers approved.
Bank Fund Transfer Approval: A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by R. Scott, to approve access to District bank accounts for discussion, deposits and fund transfers by the Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- Levy Re-Visit: The District may increase or decrease the levy amount approved and certified to St. Louis County in September in December of each year. The Board agreed that the Administrative Levy remain at $60,000 – the amount certified to St. Louis County in September, 2014.
- 2015 Rate Schedule/Budget: The Board reviewed the previously emailed Revenue and Expense spreadsheets. The District will be able to pay the RD loan payment in January 2015 and most likely in January 2016. Payment on the loan is questionable in 2017 without expansion.
- Rates: A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by R. Scott to increase the rates for sewer service by 3% – increasing the base fee from $61/per month to $63/per month and increasing the volume fee from $13.70/per 1,000 $14.10/per 1,000 gals. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Board agreed that the rate structure would need to be reviewed in 2015.
- Delinquency Letters: The Board discussed the certification of delinquent charges approved by resolution at the November meeting and agreed that those parties approved for certification should be forwarded to St. Louis County. It was hoped that resolution to outstanding accounts could be reached prior to the County deadline for certification.
- Ordinance (ISTS Management): The Board has authority to make Ordinance 3 adjustments for management of District properties. Rate adjustments will be made at a later date.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – December 3, 2014
Administration (Cont.)
- Board Designates and Administration: A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Beste to approve the following for 2015:
Board Designates
Cope & Peterson remains as council as needed for the District.
Fryberger, Buchanan Law Firm remains as primary council for the District.
Glorvigen, Theis remains as the accounting firm for the District.
Any bank may be used with American Bank being designated as the financial institution for the District.
Carl Brown Consulting remains as a financial consulting firm on an as needed basis for the District.
Costin Group remains as consulting firm for the District.
SEH remains as engineering firm for the District.
Terry Jackson of Terry’s Operational Service remains as Plant Operator
Lance Ulen remains as Maintenance Worker
Rutchasky Enterprises remains on contract with the District
Traci Bak & Jo Ann Pohlman remain to provide Administrative Work
CNH remains as the official newspaper for the District
Rental payment to the Crane Lake Chapel increased to $50 per meeting.
Meeting Date & Time & Location: First Wed. of each month, 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall
Posting Places: Church, Post Office, Fire Hall and area resorts when open with 1 posting annually. Meeting changes will be posted as they occur.
Minutes Distribution: On website and mailed by written request.
Copy and Information Request Policy: Charge of 25 cents per copy (includes labor) for copy requests and $25 per hour for other labor requests.
Salaries: Lance – $19.00/hour, Jo Ann – $21.00/hour, Traci – $60.00/month, Nikki Rutchasky – $15.00/hour
Mileage: Follow state guideline which fluctuates and is currently 0.560 cents per mile.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
JPB Update
- VNP Comprehensive Plan: There was no JPB meeting in November.
- State and Federal Grant Applications: Applications for funding are being coordinated by Jim Anderson of the MPCA.
ESA Expansion & ISTS Management Projects
- Engineering Update (S.E.H.): Randy Jenniges presented a revised agreement to the Board. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by M. Anderson, to approve the revised Agreement for Professional Services between the CLWSD and Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. for the 2014 Handberg Road Extension removing the LIDAR work which reduced the total fee from $130,000 to $100,000. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A fully executed copy of the document will be forwarded to the District by S.E.H. Funding – It is understood that the Bonding money would be used first for the Handberg Road Extension and Legacy Funds could be used as the required match. Randy understood that reimbursements to the District through the funds could be made back to March 2014 for any monies already spent. No money will be reimbursed through Legacy Funds until a contract with the MPCA is signed. GIS parcel information for Area V(Bear Island) and Area T(Handberg Road) was sent to Sara Heger of the UofM for her work on the CAR. The Handberg Road Extension driver is to have a force main to the DNR landing with laterals to be considered after the CAR evaluation. Randy will provide a schedule to the District with bids being let in February for the Handberg Road Extension. Randy will pursue a Technical Assistance (TA) grant with the PFA for up to $60,000 for the CAR work.
- ISTS Management Projects Update (U of M): Sara Heger attended the meeting via telephone. She requested clarification of the District’s direction with the CAR. Clarification is needed to complete a contract with Jim Orton to do the property system evaluations. A CAR is a long-term planning document assuring that all properties have proper operating systems and proper management. The Board wishes to do a full CAR of the District while being about to reach out to properties with immediate needs. The CAR will begin with Handberg Road and Bear Island and then continue to the rest of the ESA.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – December 3, 2014
Sewer Freezing
- Insurance Claim: Invoices continue to be submitted to the Adjustor as stated above.
- Corrective Action Plan: Information for the Special Use Permit between the DNR and the District is at the DNR office to complete the permitting process. The District has completed
- necessary construction to run water from the DNR well to prevent freezing of the Bayside Drive force main. The District will not charge usage fees for the following properties that are running water to prevent freezing over the winter months: Stahnke, Rob Scott home, Carrie Congdon, Dawson, Bodkin and Pohlman beginning with the January billing.
O & M Update
- Operations Report: Terry Jackson was unable to attend the meeting but provided the following report. State standards were maintained during November. The Bio-solids Annual Report for cropping year 2014 was accepted and approved by the MPCA. Sludge was disposed of during November to the Grand Rapids WWTF. Manpower: Nikki Rutchasky will begin working with the District in January.
- Treatment Plant Status: Preparations have been made at the plant for winter operation.
- Collection System Status: Grinder stations have been winterized; heat tapes are on; and water will be run on a regular basis as stated above.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit): There were none.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.