Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District - Menu



Wednesday, April 3, 2019 –1:00 P.M.


Mark Anderson took the Oath of Office prior to the meeting.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 1:05PM.

Members present:  Mark Anderson, Nick Roth, and Rob Scott. 

Members absent:  Bruce Beste & Darrell Scott.

Also present: Plant Operator Terry Jackson, District Liaison Deena Congdon, and Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman.

Minutes: A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by N. Roth, to approve the minutes of the 3/6/19 Board of Managers’ Meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Correspondence:  The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board.  A motion was made by N. Roth, supported by R. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The February 2019 Financial Statements were presented to the Board.  March 2019 payroll:  Admin – $1,514.85; Operating – $1,716.40, Payroll Taxes – $676.38.  $4,000.00 was transferred from Operating Fund Checking to Debt Service Savings (Nov. & Dec. 2018). $2,000.00 was transferred from Operating Fund Checking to Capital Reserve Savings (Nov. & Dec. 2018).  The District Loan is being renewed this month, this month there will be an interest only payment and a $150.00 renewal fee.  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by N. Roth, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and the payment of bills as follows:  Admin:  Costin Group – $1,521.20; and Lutefisk Tech. – $1,491.79.  Operating:  Lake Country Power – $1,200.77, $214.65, $322.21, $73.23, $227.00, & $65.00; Gopher State One Call – $1.35; Northwoods True Value – $19.85; Pace Analytical – $354.00; Rutchasky Enterprises – $917.50; Robert J. Scott – $1,226.02; Udovich Electric – $900.00; and Terry’s Operational Services – $2,745.51.  All voted in favor and the motion carried. 

Funding Balances:  $171,836.62 in Legacy 2 Grant Funds remains.  There was further discussion of the Clean Water Partnership loan through the MPCA that could be considered should the District not receive additional grant funds. 


  • Management Plan II & III:  There was nothing new.

Joint Powers Board

  • VNP Comprehensive Plan:  Ash River is having difficulty identifying all the parcels for inclusion as property owners are not responding to the survey letters.  Kabetogama’s plant is up and running. Island View will be installing pipe this summer.  All construction related to the Comprehensive Plan is on hold until spring. 
  • Kicker Blvd. Annex:  Jason Chopp of S.E.H. and Mia Thibodeau of Fryberger, Buchanan are working on the annexation process. There will be questions that will arise and the Board needs to be prepared.  The inclusion of Kicker Blvd. is driven by the JPB and the Admin Fee on property taxes will need to be explained.
  • State and Federal Grant Funding:  Grant applications are in the works and awaiting final legislative action.

S.E.H. Engineering  

  • District Update:  Jason Chopp is working on the GPS for the Management area.

O & M. Decentralized

  • Management Program Update:  The pre-construction season meeting with the USFS and St. Louis County was held on April 2, 2019.  Necessary corrections will be made and communications will be increased to smooth the process.  Property approaches, outhouse abandonment or updating, design changes on site, and electrical integrity were some of the topics that were discussed.
  • Bid Award:  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by M. Anderson, to award the bid for the Cunningham ISTS installation to Rutchasky Enterprises, the lowest bidder on the project.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

CLWSD Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2019

 O & M Centralized

  • Operations Report:  Terry Jackson was present and reported the following:  All effluent limitations were maintained during March.  Solids are building up in the recirculation tank and secondary clarifier.  Biosolids pumping is being increased to remedy the situation.  N. Roth reported the same.
  • Plant Manpower and Operators:  Robert J. Scott has taken the test required to be a plant operator; results will be coming soon.  Terry requested to get Rob set up on the MPCA portal for reporting monthly results at the plant.  A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by N. Roth, authorizing Terry to go forward with setting Robert J. Scott up to do the monthly reporting to the MPCA.  M. Anderson and N. Roth voted in favor, R. Scott abstained and the motion carried. 
  • Winterization – Status and Temperatures:  N. Roth reported that the temperatures are logged daily at the plant and are currently in the 37-38 degree range. He also reported that Tom Sertich is planning to look at the two new locations to install infusers and will be installing them soon. 
  • MPCA Award:  Terry accepted the MPCA Commendation for operation of the wastewater treatment plant at the recent seminar in Brooklyn Park.  There will be a notice of the award in the Cook News-Herald.
  • Plant Road:  M. Anderson said that the plant road needs grading and the work will be done when the snow is gone.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit):  There were none.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15PM

Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk


This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD