April 5, 2017 – 2:55 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 2:55P.M.
Members present: Bruce Beste, Bill Congdon, and Rob Scott
Members absent: Mark Anderson and Darrell Scott
Also present: S.E.H. Representatives Randy Jenniges, Jason Chopp & Mike Larson; Jim Orton of Orton Construction; Ron Rutchasky of Rutchasky Enterprises; CLWSD Advisory Rep. John Connaker; Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman; and 9 members of the community.
Opening Comments: Chairman Scott advised those present that public comment would be at the end of the meeting, as usual for Board Meetings.
Minutes: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to approve the minutes of the 3/1/17 Board of Managers’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The February 2017 Financial Statements were presented to the Board. March 2017 payroll: Admin – $1,248.50; Operating – $2,109.46. The cost to update the District Microsoft program is $129.00. The St. Louis County offer of early distribution of 2017 taxes was not recommended. $4,000 was transferred from IRRRB Savings to IRRRB Checking. Bills for payment: Administrative: Costin Group – $2,500.00 (Feb. & March); Glorvigen – $462.00; and Lutefisk – $142.50. IRRRB Fund: S.E.H. – $3,762.00. Legacy Fund: Rutchasky Enterprises – $14,896.00 and S.E.H. – $2,438.00. Capital Reserve: Ferguson Waterworks – $2,895.18. Plant Operations: Lake Country Power – $1,160.82, $156.62, $195.20, $82.79, $236.95, & $64.00; Northwoods True Value – $269.69; Pace Analytical – $506.00; Rutchasky Enterprises – $315.00; Udovich Electric – $356.25 & $2,762.9; Lance Ulen – $559.62; and Terry’s Operational Services – $2,364.55. A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by R. Scott, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
MPCA/PFA Funding: The monthly Grant Money Update was presented to the Board for review. Near the end of the meeting Randy Jenniges of S.E.H. reviewed their summary of the grant funds including expenditures for the Phase II extension and ISTS projects in preparation for their response to the MPCA’s email reminding the District of the Legacy Fund sunset date of 6/30/18.
- CLWSD Advisory Rep. Update: John Connaker reported that he had property owners requesting information on the length of variances by the District.
- ISTS Contractor List: There was no update.
JPB Update
- VNP Comprehensive Plan: R. Scott reported that Island View is still in initial phases of their project, as is Ash River; Kabetogama will have their underground work done in a month or so.
- Kicker Blvd. Annex: The annexation process continues. The $60,000 legacy grant will be used for the annexation expenses. The Board was advised by S.E.H. that there would need to be a $15,000 match for the grant. Mia Thibodeau of Fryberger has advised the District of annexation procedure.
- State and Federal Grand Funding: S.E.H. will look into the $15,000 match options for the District. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to write a letter to the Governor, as requested by Gary Cerkvenik, asking him to revise his position to eliminate funding for our nation’s only water based national park and to restore the Clean Water Council’s recommendation for this and other projects. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – April 5, 2017
S.E.H. Engineering Update
- Handberg Road Project (Phase II): Jason Chopp provided information on the Handberg Road Phase II project at the Public Hearing prior to this Board Meeting. The Board asked for a breakdown of the cost for each property that would be connected to the system. The Board asked for a revision of the feasibility study without providing a force main for Rocky Road. The Board discussed holding a committee meeting to review variances, and another public meeting, if required (Randy Jenniges will look into the requirements) prior to the May 3rd Board Meeting.
- Voyagaire Houseboat Station: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, to accept Rutchasky Enterprises quote of $16,554.13 for work at the Voyagaire Houseboat grinder tank/station. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The quote has been approved for reimbursement by the MPCA through Legacy funds.
- Plant Valve: See Terry Jackson’s report below.
- Mobile Generator: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, to approve purchase of the generator. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
O & M Update (Decentralized)
- CLWSD Initial Site Survey: S.E.H. is working on a site survey for Jim Orton to inspect properties for compliance throughout the decentralized portion of the District. A draft service area map and spreadsheet identifying parcels with existing structures has been developed and provided to the Board. St. Louis County has agreed to work with Jim to identified property codes with existing sewers. Jim Orton will use the map and spreadsheet to begin inspecting properties when the ice goes out and the frost is out of the ground. He will provide a list of the non-compliant systems to the Board initially.
- CLWSD Expansion Report: The Board reviewed the status of the expansion with one new property owner expressing interest. Work will be scheduled for construction and feasibility studies when the ice goes out and frost is out of the ground. Customers will be notified prior to the work beginning.
- ISTS Operations and Maintenance Program Establishment: A letter will be sent to property owners in the management system advising when maintenance will occur at their properties, requesting best method of communication, and determining property access. A spreadsheet for the O&M process is being created.
O & M Update (Centralized)
- Operations Report: Terry Jackson’s report stated that all standards for the plant discharge were met in March.
- Butterfly Valve Motor: The motor for the butterfly valve motor has been sent to a repair shop that will get back to Terry on the status of the motor. When the information is received, it will be sent to the engineers. Operators are monitoring the plant.
- CLWSD Expansion Report: There was no report this month.
- Manpower: Lance attended the annual MPCA wastewater operator training and took the Class C wastewater operator test.
- MPCA Operations Award: Terry and Lance accepted the Certificate of Commendation Award recognizing exemplary effort expanded in the year 2016 to comply with MPCA’s NPDES/SDS Permit Program.
- Water Infusion: The water infusion will be stopped for the season.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit): There were none.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.