Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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Wednesday, June 5, 2019 –6:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 6:05PM.

Members present:  Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, Nick Roth, and Rob Scott. 

Members absent:   Darrell Scott.

Also present: Advisory Rep. John Connaker, District Liaison Deena Congdon, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman and 1 member of the community.

Minutes: A motion was made by N. Roth, supported by M. Anderson, to approve the minutes of the 5/1/19 Board of Managers’ Meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Correspondence:  The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board.  A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by M. Anderson, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The April 2019 Financial Statements were presented to the Board.  May 2019 payroll:  Admin – $1,213.60; Operating – $2,791.70, Payroll Taxes – $956.92.  $4,000.00 was transferred from Operating Fund Checking to Debt Service Savings (Mar. & Apr. 2019). $2,000.00 was transferred from Operating Fund Checking to Capital Reserve Savings (Mar. & Apr. 2019).  A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Beste, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and the payment of bills as follows:  Admin:  Costin Group – $1,274.00; Cook News-Herald – $42.00; Ely Echo – $124.00; Glorvigen- $266.00; Fryberger, Buchanan – $2,525.40; Orton Construction – $400.00; Quill – $142.78; and RVS Software – $86.72. Operating:  Lake Country Power – $965.71, $264.13, $290.76, $72.54, $226.00, & $52.00; Automatic Systems – $4,696.70; Ferguson Waterworks – $865.08; Gopher State One Call – $5.40; Northwoods True Value – $141.42; Pace Analytical – $177.00; Robert J. Scott – $778.56; Rutchasky Enterprises – $440.00, $200.00, & $825.00; Udovich Electric – $329.67; USIC Locating Services – $120.00; and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,698.66.  M. Anderson, B. Beste, & N. Roth voted in favor, R. Scott abstained and the motion carried.

Funding Balances:  $171,836.62 in Legacy II Grant Funds remains. The invoice from S.E.H. for GIS Mapping of the District has been approved by the funding agency for reimbursement. A Change Order to the budget is required. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Beste to approve Change Order No. 2 redistributing funds in the Project Budget for construction management for GIS mapping of treatment systems.   All voted in favor and the motion carried.


  • A letter was received by Jim Orton from Mark St. Lawrence of St. Louis County Environmental Services regarding peat system sizing and Type III Systems.  Two module peat filters are now being required.  The District has received approval to have each system reviewed on an individual basis because of problem soil conditions, bedrock, etc. All previous installs will remain as designed.
  • Management Plan II & III:  Phase III (mandatory) remains on hold. St. Louis County Ordinance would need to be amended for the District to require all properties in the District to become part of the Management System. 
  • Contracts:  A motion was made by N. Roth; supported by M. Anderson, to approve Rob Scott, Jr. as Plant Operator, replacing Terry Jackson, who is retiring.  N. Roth, M. Anderson, and Bruce Beste voted in favor, R. Scott abstained and the motion carried.  The District advertised the position in the local newspaper, with no other applications being received.  Training for the Plant Operator change has begun.

Joint Powers Board

  • VNP Comprehensive Plan:  The Commissioners have requested that each area of the Comprehensive Plan do a review of progress to-date. 
  • Kicker Blvd. Annex:  S.E.H. has supplied a list of parcels included in the annexation process for Board review.  S.E.H. will be advised that the list is in order.  If the August JPB meeting is held in Crane Lake, the District will plan a Public Meeting for the annexation at the same time as the Board of Manager’s Meeting and the JPB meeting. 
  • State and Federal Grant Funding:  The JPB’s request for Legacy Funding was approved by the Legislature.  Crane Lake will receive $600,000 and Ash River will receive $850,000. The 2020 Bonding bill is considering debt relief for the District. 

CLWSD Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2019

S.E.H. Engineering  

  • District Update:  Jason Chopp provided a written update to the District.  A draft ISTS system map for review and comment was provided to the District.  S.E.H. will prepare final PDF files and laminated hard copy for the District.

O & M. Decentralized

  • Management Program Update:  Deena Congdon reported the following:  Systems that still need work are McVeety and Richter.  There are three installs in East Bay – Cunningham has been awarded; Kline/Moore & Filippi are in the process of receiving Forest Service approval. Deena spoke to the home owner whose cabin burned giving them ideas on temporary use of their system while rebuilding. Weissner has submitted an application.  Emails were sent to people advising that their alarms may go off when they start their system up for the season.  The link to the St. Louis County website was provided on how to maintain systems.  Annual operating inspections will need to be done prior to freeze up.  Deena will check to see if any properties need additional seeding this spring.
  • Ron Rutchasky and Jim Orton will be consulted on installation of a holding tank at the Groomer Garage.

O & M Centralized

  • Operations Report:  Terry Jackson provided the following report:  All effluent limitations were maintained during May.  Terry met with Nick and Rob Scott Jr. at the plant to go over parameters.  Rob is getting familiar with MPCA reporting and the required lab tests and how their results interchange with plant process. 
  • Inventories:  Nick has been working on inventories of cement blankets, tools, pumps, etc.  The equipment stored at Rutchasky Enterprises still needs to be inventoried. 
  • Infusers:  Water infusers will be installed at the Truebenbach and Brandon Anderson properties. The District will also have two spare infusers.
  • Winter to Summer Transition Work:  The plant is being transitioned over to summer mode of operation.  All eight zones will be in operation on the recirculating sand filters.  The heat tapes have been turned off. 
  • Voyagaire Houseboat Pumping:  M. Anderson reported that the filter system for collecting sludge is operational.  A log book is being kept, and sludge level will be measured to determine when pumping is needed.  M. Anderson will monitor the operation.
  • Bio-solids Hauling:  Bio-solids will be transported to Grand Rapids on Sunday.  Repairs to the truck will be made on Monday.
  • Safety Repair Issues:  Rob Scott Jr. pointed out the need of a railing system on the plant roof and the need of a concrete step system for the walking surface from the plant entrance to the roof. A motion was made by N. Roth, supported by M. Anderson, to request Ron Rutchasky to discuss with Rob Jr. and do the repairs.  All voted in favor and the motion carried. 
  • Lab Samples:  T. Jackson, R. Scott, N. Roth and L. Ulen will devise a plan for sample collection and delivery to Pace Labs in Virginia or pick up by Pace Labs. 
  • Other Plant Issues:  R. Scott will provide a fire extinguisher for the plant.  M. Anderson will take care of maintenance of the Ranger.  Chemical will be inventoried.  Anderson’s will do repair of the plant road.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit):  There were none.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15PM

Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk


This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD