Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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June 4, 2015 – 6:30 P. M.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 6:40PM


Chairman Rob Scott welcomed the meeting attendees and explained that the meeting focus would be altered due to the recent illness of Jim Orton, who was contracted to do the CAR work.  Another Public Meeting for Bear Island will be scheduled and the timeline for the CAR will be altered depending on Mr. Orton’s recovery.  The regular Board of Managers’ meeting would follow and the July 17th Joint Powers Board (JPB) meeting would be held in Crane Lake.  Chairman Scott introduced David Gustafson of the U of M, filling in for Sara Heger, who is on vacation.  Chairman Scott introduced Commissioners Rob Ecklund of Koochiching County and Tom Rukavina of St. Louis County; both serve on the JPB.  S.E.H. Engineer Randy Jenniges was also in attendance to answer questions.


Chairman Scott reviewed the District history with those present noting that both Township Community Action Plans included sewer service of the area as a top priority for the community. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Gustafson.


David began by stating that he would not be able to answer questions on the current status of the CAR in the Handberg Road area because that information was with Jim Orton.  He explained a Community Assessment Report (CAR) as a document that 1) summarizes the status of all current septic systems in the area; 2) summarized the alternatives that are available; 3) includes estimated costs; and 4) offers recommendations to move forward.  David said that all sites had been visited in the Handberg Road area.  The next step would be to empty tanks.  Individuals would receive a report on their property and the District would receive a report on all properties.  A new timeline will be created when Mr. Orton is recovered.  Individuals have the opportunity to speak to Mr. Orton at any time while he is at their property and will be included in a discussion of their property when evaluation is completed. The U of M is also available for questions.  Questions were answered by Mr. Gustafson throughout his presentation.


Commissioner Ecklund told the community that the Island View project is moving along and that the JPB is working on funding for the Kabatogama Project.  On a recent trip to Washington D.C. he stated that the effort was directed to the Federal Government ‘jumping in’ on the need to ensure the VNP remains pristine.  The effort thus far has been on the local level.


There were comments that the activities of the JPB have been on a false premise suggesting that the waters of the VNP are impaired, when they are visibly clear and no actual testing of the water has been done. Other comments included the extreme expense to tax payers for the projects.


Commissioner Rukavina explained that he was newly elected and was initially disappointed in the Federal Government’s lack of involvement in the nation’s only water oriented national park – Voyageurs National Park.  He explained that the money spent on the clean water projects of this area is minimal compared to projects in metropolitan areas.  He assured those present that he did not feel that money was being wasted in this area.  Money spent to prevent the waters of our area from becoming impaired would be greatly increased if the subject was not addressed until the waters were impaired and needed cleaning up. Mr. Rukavina fully supports the money being spent on the expansion project including the line to the DNR landing.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD