July 9, 2014 – 6:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 6:30PM
Chairman Rob Scott welcomed the meeting attendees and stated that the focus of the meeting would be creating a CAR as a step toward a Sewer Management System as an option for the District. Sara Heger of the U of M Extension Service would be facilitating the meeting. The actual work involved with a CAR would be supplied by a contractor.
Sara explained that all wastewater needs to be managed and treated properly. Her purpose in the process at Crane Lake is to facilitate the community process finding a viable solution to effectively protect public and environmental heath at a reasonable cost and include community values.
Why Management? Systems are permanent and need to be dependable and effective at treatment function.
What is Management? Operation and Maintenance; Residuals Management; Training and Certification; Inspection & Monitoring; Corrective Action; Records, Inventory and Reporting; and Funding. There are different approaches to wastewater treatment – centralized, decentralized and/or a combination of the two.
Sara presented the anatomy of a septic system and the different treatment options.
Why do a CAR? A Community Assessment Report (CAR) evaluates all sites to provide a full understanding of the existing situation. Are any systems an imminent threat to public health and safety? Are any systems failing to protect groundwater? A field check would be made of every property providing the status of current systems and options for improvement where needed.
The CAR would integrate preliminary and field evaluation results for each parcel; would formulate treatment options for the community; estimate costs for each option, identify preferred alternatives with rationale and integrate the CAR into a Preliminary Engineering Report if desired.
The benefits of completing a CAR are: The community gets a complete picture of its current wastewater treatment, a clear definition of problem areas is supplied; soil-based wastewater treatment options are assessed; and preferred treatment options and costs are presented.
The cost of a CAR varies by the size of the community, by types of current treatment that need assessing & available records, by location in state, by septic professional’s level of comfort with the process and ultimate products, and by type of company hired.
Sara concluded by saying that the UMN can be of assistance with education, facilitation and technical assistance. There would be expenses.
The next step would be:
The District would hire a professional to perform the CAR
Site evaluation would be completed by 9/1/14
Report would be completed by 10/29/14
Community would meet to discuss the CAR
A decision would be made on how to move forward for proper wastewater treatment.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk