Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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Wednesday, August 7, 2019 –6:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 6:05PM.

Members present:  Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, Nick Roth, and Rob Scott. 

Members absent:   Darrell Scott.

Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman and 1 member of the community.

Opening Comments:  Chairman Rob Scott gave a Big Thank You to Terry Jackson for all his years of service to the District as Plant Operator and welcomed Rob Scott, Jr. as the new Plant Operator.

Minutes: A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by N. Roth, to approve the minutes of the 6/5/19 Board of Managers’ Meeting – there was no July meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Correspondence:  The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board.  A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by M. Anderson, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The June 2019 Financial Statements, that were Previous Year Comparisons, were presented to the Board.  June & July 2019 payroll:  Admin – $2,794.73; Operating – $8,355.60; and Payroll Taxes – $2,218.66.  July 8th $16,397.10 Tax Apportionment and $15,347.65 Special Assessment was received from St. Louis County.  July 31st $29,935.00 was transferred from Capital Reserve Savings to Checking for cash flow purposes and will be returned to Savings when Legacy money is received.  The 2nd Quarter QuickBooks entries were reviewed with Jennifer of Glorvigen.  The District is in the process of selecting an Auditor to review the 2108 books.  A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by N. Roth, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and the payment of bills as follows:  June bills: Admin:  Costin Group – $1,250.00; CL Chapel – $350.00; Fryberger Buchanan – $819.20 & $402.10; Lutefisk Tech. – $562.90; and RVS Software – $343.00.  Annexation Fund:  S.E.H. – $4,205.85.  Legacy Fund II:  Orton Const. – $5,250.00; St. Louis County – $2,330.00; and Handberg’s Marina – $69.79.   Operating:  Lake Country Power – $664.43, $257.37, $96.21, $49.49, $74.00, & $50.00; Automatic Systems – $2,001.60; Randy Clemmer – $250.00; Ferguson Waterworks – $146.11; Gopher State One Call – $1.35; Grand Rapids Public Utilities – $26.72;  Hach Co. – $202.59; Nick Roth – $214.32; Pace Analytical – $354.00; Robert J. Scott – $1,718.56; Rutchasky Enterprises – $2,500.00; St. Louis County – $520.00; and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,673.66.  July bills:  Admin:  Costin Group – $1,274.00 and Quill – $69.49.  Annexation Fund:  S.E.H. – $2,249.14.  Legacy Fund II:  Handberg’s Marina – $69.79.  Operating Fund:  Lake Country Power – $748.39, $270.61, $51.84; $45.10, $46.00, & $51.00; Aqua-Pure – $6,089.00; Randy Clemmer – $100.00; Ferguson Waterworks – $971.08; Gopher State One Call – $1.35; L&M – $27.53; Northwoods True Value – $8.48; Pelican Bay Foods – $181.02; Pace Analytical – $521.00; Robert J. Scott – $1,248.56; Rutchasky Enterprises – $795.00, $700.00 & $1,436.00; Tony Schlomka – $875.00; Udovich Electric – $454.18 & $776.18; and USIC Locating Service – $30.00.   A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by N. Roth, that the plant operator has Board pre-approval to make necessary purchases for plant operation. M. Anderson, B. Beste & N. Roth voted in favor, R. Scott abstained and the motion carried.

Funding Balances:  An accounting of the Legacy II Funds was provided to the Board.


  • Management Plan:  R. Scott sat down with County Attorney Jim Nephews to walk through the plan ahead for ISTS requirements.  County Ordinance 61 identifies three different forms of system status. 1 – Inspection, 2- Assessment; and 3 – Review.  The difference between inspection and assessment is that the inspection level does not have statutory requirements and assessment does.
  • The Arcands sent a letter to the Board requesting that their bunk house be exempt from their monthly billing due to minimal use.  The Board feels that according to the Ordinance, the Arcands are being billed correctly.  The Board suggests that the Arcands provide a variance request to the Board for consideration.

Joint Powers Board

  • VNP Comprehensive Plan:  The JPB Comprehensive Plan is being reviewed.  R. Scott brought forward to the group the question of what was the end game for the VNP Clean Water Project.  Funding needed for the project needs to be reviewed going forward.  The August meeting, which will be on the 21st at the Fellowship Hall at 11AM, will address how to update the Comprehensive Plan to balance with funding.  All sewer generating properties will be identified.

CLWSD Meeting Minutes –August 7, 2019

Joint Powers Board (Cont.)

  • Kicker Blvd. Annex:  The project is temporarily on hold.   
  • State and Federal Grant Funding:  The MPCA representatives at the August meeting will be at the Fellowship Hall prior to the 11AM meeting to walk through the distribution of newly approved funds.  $600,000 has been awarded to Crane Lake for further ISTS installations and District updates. 

S.E.H. Engineering  

  • District Update:  Jason Chopp provided a written update to the District.  Bouglalis Construction was notified on July 15th that there is warranty work needed on the Sweet property grinder pump.  Bougalis is coordinating with the pump manufacturer. 
  • Land Purchase and Easement:  The Cowdens are in the process of a land purchase near the District’s waste water treatment plant and have requested an easement for road access and purchase of 3 acres of the District’s land near the plant.  It is understood that the District may sell land at current market value.  The paper work would need to go to the USDA RD for approval.  The expenses for legal work related to the easement and land purchase would be the Cowdens.  S.E.H. and Fryberger, Buchanan will be requested to lay out what steps are needed for Board approval at the September meeting.  Deena Congdon will be contacted for information on the fair market value of the land.

O & M. Decentralized

  • Management Program Update:  Deena Congdon provided a report to the Board in July and reported the following for this meeting:  Ron Rutchasky will be working on seeding in August and the tank was repaired at Richters.  McVeety still requires completion.  The USFS has received the County approved designs.  The home owners in East Bay – Filippi, Cunningham and Kline-Moore have obtained the electrical permits required by the USFS.  Permits to Construct have been received from the County for:  Weissner, Kline-Moore, Cunningham, Filippi, Gove, Schwanke, Hagen, and the CL Snowmobile Club.  Another property owner will be meeting with the designer to talk about a possible installation. 

O & M Centralized

  • Operations Report (July):  Terry Jackson provided the following report:  All effluent limitations were maintained during June. Terry met with Nick and Rob Scott Jr. at the plant to go over plant operations.  Pace Labs of Virginia will be picking up the Crane Lake samples on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month.  Nick will be programming the sampler, collecting the 24-hour composite sample, and taking the D.O. and pH readings on Tuesday late afternoon or evening.  He will also be providing the chain of custody paperwork and ice down the samples.  Charge for pick up by Pace will be $15 each time.   Rob will be making the required visit to the plant on a weekly basis.  He will be reviewing the plant process control information, lab test results, and make any necessary modifications to the process.   Rob and Terry will meet in Winton to answer any questions regarding MPCA monitoring submittals.  Terry will remain on the Portal for a couple of months.  Terry suggested that the District create a safety manual to meet OSHA requirements and would be willing to assist.
  • Operations Report (August):  Rob Scott, Jr. provided the following report:  The plant saw a lot of influent, as is typical for July.  All effluent standards were met for the previous month.  Rob met with Ron and Lance regarding some possible issues with the sand filtration system.  Ron will do some investigative digging on some lines to ascertain the situation.  More to follow on this issue.
  • Other Operations Issues:  M. Anderson reported that the truck is up and running.  There is a pipe rusting out at the plant that is being repaired.  The pump truck was barged to Bear Island to pump out Pace’s system.  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Beste, to rent the District’s pumper truck to Rutchasky Enterprises at the rate of $150 per tank pumped for properties not on the District’s Management Plan.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  Billing will be handled through Rutchasky Enterprises.
  • Inventories:  Nick has been working on inventories of cement blankets, tools, pumps, etc.  Nick will provide an accounting of tarps needed for the coming cold season. The District will look into providing pins to secure the tarps.
  • Voyagaire Houseboat Pumping:  M. Anderson is monitoring the need for pumping and anticipates another 3 or 4 trips.
  • Bio-solids Hauling:  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by N. Roth to pay the District employee transporting bio-solids in the District truck at the rate of $35.00 per hour from the time that person leaves their home until return home.  The current employee, Brad Scofield, will also provide truck maintenance at the same rate of pay.  All voted in favor and the motion carried. 
  • Safety Repair Issues:  The railings being installed at the plant are coming along. 

CLWSD Meeting Minutes –August 7, 2019

O & M Centralized (Cont.)

  • Headquarter’s Request:  Headquarter’s has requested sewer pumping service a couple times per year.  The Board will need to consider options as Headquarter’s is outside of District boundaries. 
  • Garage: The District is still in need of a garage near the plant.  A container is being considered with insulation and electricity being added. 

PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit):  Bonnie Caughey asked for clarification on the barging for pumping to properties not included in the District Management System and on the tarping system. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05PM

Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk


This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD