Wednesday, August 1, 2018 –6:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 6:05P.M.
Members present: Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, and Rob Scott.
Members absent: Darrell Scott
Also present: Jason Chopp of S.E.H., Jim & Kim Orton of Orton Construction, District Liaison Deena Congdon, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, and 3 members of the community. Plant Operator Terry Jackson arrived at 7PM.
Opening Comments: Chairman Scott said that there had not been a meeting since May because of lack of quorum. Condolences go out to the Bystrom family for the loss of Bud Bystrom, who served on the District Board of Managers. Bill Congdon resigned from the Board; the Board appreciates his years of service. Nick Roth is planning to submit an application for the open Board position.
Minutes: A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Beste, to approve the minutes of the 5/2/18 Board of Managers’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by M. Anderson, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The April – June 2018 Financial Statements were presented to the Board. May, June, July 2018 payroll: Admin – $4,535.40, Operating – $10,712.68, Payroll Taxes – $3,826.70. $50,000 was transferred from Capital Reserve Savings to Checking for cash flow purposes. $2,450.00 in application fees was transferred from Checking to Debt Service Savings. $67,500 in connection fees was transferred from Checking to Debt Service Savings. The interest rate on the District’s matching funds loan increased from 4.75% to 5%. QuickBooks entries were reviewed with Jennifer of Glorvigen. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by M. Anderson, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and the payment of bills for June, July and August. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- CLWSD Advisory Rep. Update: There was no report.
- ISTS Ordinance Update & Review: B. Beste and J. Connaker are waiting for comments from Mia of Fryberger.
- Management Plan: Phase I or the voluntary portion of the Management System is nearly completed. Phase II will address those wishing to join the Management Plan with an existing system and Phase III will include everyone in the District.
JPB Update
- VNP Comprehensive Plan: R. Scott reported that the focus is on establishing a wastewater collection system for Ash River. Kabetogama is working on phase II of their project.
- Kicker Blvd. Annex: The District will begin working on this in the summer.
- State and Federal Grant Funding: The District will be submitting their final pay request for the first Legacy Grant and will begin working with the $300,000 Legacy Grant. Applications for bonding funds are being made for future ISTS systems and Kicker Boulevard work.
S.E.H. Engineering Update
- Handberg Road Project (Phase II): Jason Chopp reported that a project walk through was conducted with Brian Fitzpatrick of the MPCA. The walk through went well with no problems or concerns noted. Most punch list items have been completed. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Beste, to approve Change Order #4 for driveway and site restoration on the Tomasko easement due to open cut service line installation for $6,129.39 and table pay Bougalis pay application until the September meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Beste, to approve Change Order #3 increasing contract amount by $43,926.70 for alignment 600 excavation at transition from rock to soil connection and quantity adjustments; and Bougalis Pay Request No. 4 for $90,851.11. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Jason addressed concerns regarding the condition of Rocky Road presented in a letter from Brent Bystrom. The blast rock leveled in the ditch by Ruth Carlson’s property will be restored to a more natural state by adding top soil and
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2018
S.E.H. Engineering Update (Cont.)
seed at an additional cost of between $1,500 and $2,000. The erosion of the road is not seen as a punch list item as the road condition is similar to other gravel roads in the area affected by recent storms. Bougalis will be requested to repair the road at additional cost. The placement of the air release is considered to be functionally sound. The location is a platted public right-of-way and is not claimed by the County or the Township. There is no easement because it is not a County Road. Jason will provide an estimate of costs to change the manhole to grade level, or raise the grade surrounding it or possibly clear more trees in the area.
- MPCA Legacy Funds: There are still some questions remaining prior to the $300,000 grant approval.
- System Mapping: Jason proposed a GIS mapping system for the District. Work on mapping is ongoing.
O & M Update (Decentralized)
- Management Program Status Report: Deena sent updates to the Board. Deena will send an email to each customer after project completion. Jo Ann will send a letter of project completion explaining when billing will begin.
O & M Update (Centralized)
- Operations Report: Terry Jackson reported that the effluent results are not all in for the month of July, although preliminary results look good. Recirculation ratio was adjusted several times during July to maintain standards. The influent organic strength and solids have been very dense, resulting from waste generated on the houseboats.
- MPCA Plant Inspection: An inspection of the plant was conducted on 7/3/318 and went well.
- MPCA Permit and Bio-Solids Options: The Site Application Form was submitted. Results are expected within three to four weeks.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit): There were none.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.