August 7, 2013 – 8:15 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 8:15P.M.
Members present: Managers Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, Bill Congdon & Rob Scott
Members absent: Manager Darrell Scott
Also present: Greg Kimman of S.E.H., Inc., Gary Cerkvenik of the Costin Group, Sewer Operator Terry Jackson and Anne, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman, reporters from the Cook News-Herald and the Timberjay, and 3 members of the community.
Minutes: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of July 10, 2013. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by M. Anderson, supported by B. Congdon, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gary Cerkvenik of the Costin Group reviewed the JPB Funding with the Board explaining that the District has flexibility to use the funds for expansion in areas other than Bear Island as previously understood.
Treasurer/Accountant Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. July 2013 payroll expenses, including payroll taxes were as follows: Administrative – $1,052.88 and Operations – $5,550.19. No transfers were made from the G. C. Operating Fund to Capital Reserve Savings. The second quarter Quick Books entries were reviewed with Jennifer of Glorvigen. The June 2013 Financial Statements were presented to the Board. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by M. Anderson, to move the remaining $2,559.15 in the ESA Fund to the Special Assessment Revenue Savings Account. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: Cook News-Herald – $6.00; Costin Group – $1,000.00; Crane Lake Chapel – $180.00; Quill – $99.38; and S.E.H. – $2,194.50. Operations: Lake Country Power – $681.10, $101.53, $44.89, $44.89 & $45.00; Aqua-Pure – $250.00; Citi-Lites – $50.00; Randy Clemmer – $150.00; Engineering America – $295.92; Gopher State One Call – $2.90; Handberg’s Marine – $23.39; Lance Ulen – $38.44; Pace Analytical – $296.00; and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,654.57. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Electric Pump Invoice for $359.15 for the ABS Pump Repair will be reviewed before payment is made.
- Fund Transfers: There were no transfers approved.
- Budget Forecast: The budget will be reviewed in November with projections through 2018.
- Ordinance Review: B. Beste felt Ordinance 3 updates needed further review prior to adoption. The Board will review electronically prior to the September meeting.
- Annual Survey Letters: Letters will be sent with the next billing.
- RD Compliance Review: The required annual review will be completed in August or early September.
Legal Issues
- RLK Arbitration: The expected arbitration date will be in September.
JPB Update
- VNP Comprehensive Plan: Cost overruns were discussed at the July 17th meeting; the District is still advised to wait. R. Scott will bring up costs for compliance inspections on Bear Island at the next meeting.
- DNR – Landing: The DNR was awarded $300,000 for bathroom facilities at the Handberg Road landing. Funding for the new DNR landing on Bayside Drive will be discussed at the JPB level.
- Engineering Services Grant Request: Work continues on the funding for the Preliminary Engineer Report.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – August 7, 2013
S.E.H. Update
- Voyageur Lakes Development: Voyageur Lakes Development petitioned the District for the project to begin the process for Board action.
- CSAH 24 Expansion Phase II: S.E.H. was requested to present concepts for connecting the Mark Anderson and the Paul Tufte properties to the system.
- Bear Island Expansion: There was no discussion.
- Handberg Road Expansion: There was no discussion.
- MPCA: The District needs to prepare for a MPCA request for proposal in November.
- Bear Island Site Survey: S.E.H. will provide an approach for this.
Treatment Plant and Operations Report
- Terry Jackson reported that the plant maintained all effluent limitations in July. Chemical dosing is adjusted daily based on flow rate at the plant.
- All four ultraviolet tubes were replaced at the plant reducing the fecal coliform count in the effluent.
- High flows resulting from rainfall late in the month resulted in solids inventories being pushed around the plant. A-1 Services is disposing of sludge.
- Terry is working with George Reck to find an optimum dosage of chemicals.
- The main lift station will need to be shut down while pumping solids from the recirculation tank.
- The ABS recirculation pump is back in place. When the new motor starter is installed the pump will be placed back in service.
- Terry will look into the grease problem affecting grinders at VHB.
- A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to purchase two new grinder pumps. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- The WINS forms were given to Terry to complete and submit.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit): Bob Kaiser suggested that the Ordinances clarify who must hook up to the system.
The meeting was adjourned at 9.15PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.