April 21, 2004 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Managers Bud Bystrom, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott and Michael White.
Members Absent: Deena Congdon
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK Kuusisto, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel and seven members of the community.
Motion by D. Scott, supported by R. Scott, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 7, 2004. Motion carried.
- The correspondence was presented to the Board.
- A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- Wastewater Collection System
- Contractor completed the discharge line connection and the plumbing inside of the air relief manholes.
- The Contractor is currently hydro static testing the lines.
- Met with Wagner Construction to discuss the Contract termination issue and his request for time extension and additional payments. They agreed that the Contract termination issue has been resolved and that the time extension and additional payment are unjustified at this time.
- Received a schedule from Wagner Construction identifying his planned order of the service line construction.
o Contractor will begin the service line construction upon delivery of the grinder pump stations, which is anticipated in the beginning of May.
o Technical specifications were e-mailed to Rob Scott for the sewer connections from the home to the grinder pump station.
- Wastewater Treatment System
- Contractor is scheduled to start on the mechanical and the electrical.
o Received a request for a time extension from the Contractor. Responded with a letter stating the request was not justified.
o Will do test pumping of the well in the next few days to determine flow rate.
- Open issues: Record Plat, Biosolids disposal, Engineering Agreement Amendment 3, Meters, and Easement/construction changes requested by homeowners.
- A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by R. Scott to approve RLK-Kuusisto’s recommendation of running-time meters on the grinder pumps. Motion carried.
- R. Scott requested that RLK inform the Board in writing of the hydro static pressure testing results.
2004 Construction Planner
- R. Scott requested that RLK provide names to correspond to the numbers used in Wagner’s grinder pump installation schedule, which lists the order of installation.
User Hook-up Requirements
- Packets will be prepared for mailing to property owners in the Western Service Area describing grinder hook-up requirements and procedures.
- The packets will contain a cover letter, electrical requirements, abandonment requirements and engineer specifics.
- The packets will also go to Contractors showing interest in doing hook-up work.
- Anyone interested in doing hook-up work should contact the Board.
- Wagner will have some flexibility of moving around to accommodate individual needs.
- B. Bystrom asked if ballasts would be included with grinder delivery. The Contractor will have mixers to create ballasts on site.
Financial Plan
- A public meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 24th at 1PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall.
- The Financial Plan presented by Environmental Financial Group (EFG) has certain qualifications related to fees, rates, flow rates, etc, which will be determined by actual experience.
- A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Bystrom, to support the draft Financial Plan presented by EFG knowing that there are potential questions from the Board and the Public, and when the Board is ready to approve the Financial Plan that it is amendable. Motion carried.
- M. White asked for and received Board approval to communicate with Scott Harder on the status of what has been authorized to date and a quote on what remains to be done.
- There is the potential of tampering when people hook up to the system. M. White will also ask Scott Harder to consult with Mary Frances Skala for a quote on an ordinance addressing tampering.
- R. Scott requested that the results of the public meeting be provided by Scott Harder.
Billing/Collecting System
- M. White requested that J. Pohlman contact other sanitary districts about software packages for billing.
MPCA I.S.T.S. Grant
- A check for $5,000 has been received from the MPCA, which will be deposited in the CLWSD bank.
- A reimbursement check will be sent to Jeff and Lori Sanborn for that amount.
Website Heading Change Request
- A request has been received to create a website heading called “Bulletin Board” for items such as the proposed Financial Plan.
- A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott, that J. Pohlman work with Bob Sherman to make the website change. Motion carried.
Easements – Mortgage Co. Processing Fee Payments
- A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Bystrom, to continue paying the mortgage company processing fee payments for easement changes. Motion carried.
M. White met with Mike Appelwick of Northeast Technical Services (NTS) regarding the remote operation contract. Three items remain to be discussed with the District attorney: The three-year contract request, the liability of termination of the contract and the time limit, and equal insurance coverage for both parties. M. White will communicate with the attorney.
R. Scott talked to the Fire Department about placement of the 911 sign. J. Pohlman will get the sign to R. Scott.
Dave Erding asked how property owners would know where they are on the grinder pump placement schedule. The schedule will be included in the packets mailed to WSA property owners.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
J. Pohlman