April 3, 2002 – 7:30 PM
Study Session: 6:30 – 7:40PM
D. Dill reported that he spoke with Ian Stewart of the Minnesota Historical Society regarding an easement for the outflow line from the wastewater treatment plant into Crane Lake. Mr. Stewart is in agreement with the Board on the easement and the location and he indicated that the easement document could be signed soon.
The ‘Exercise of Option to Purchase Real Property’ has been signed by D. Dill to purchase the Potlatch Property for the wastewater treatment plant. The purchase of that property will be completed soon.
The above two items are major accomplishments for the District.
There was much discussion on the easements and questions raised by property owners. The Board will need to review and categorize the questions to decide on a policy to respond to the questions.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Dill at 7:40PM.
Members present: Managers Jim Sanborn, Darrell Scott, Mike White, Deena Congdon and Darrell Scott.
Also present: John Jamnick and Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto Ltd., Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, Gary Albertson of the Cook News Herald and two members of the community.
Motion by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 6 and of the Special Meetings of February 19 and March 20, 2002. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by D. Scott, supported by J. Sanborn to approve the March Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to pay the Invoices on Hand as follows: M. J. White – $24.48; J. Pohlman – $184.00; Frontier – $51.78; RLK-Kuusisto – $49,715.16; RLK-Kuusisto – $2,903.15; Cope & Peterson – $5,142.50; and American Engineering – $3,127.25. Motion carried unanimously.
M. White voiced his concern about the Board’s and the Engineer’s ability to have the required work and documents ready for Rural Development by the end of April. This could postpone the start of construction to 2003.
D. Dill asked if there was any Public Comment at 8 PM. There was none.
- The correspondence was presented to the Board as received during the month.
Interim Financing
- D. Dill spoke to Ruth Hubbard of Minnesota Rural Water about the interim financing. She said all was in order and that the District would have the loan upon receipt of Rural Development’s approval.
- D. Dill will speak to Mary Francis Skala of Fryberger et al to handle the legal requirements related to the financing.
Accounting System Research Report
- Nothing has been done to date.
- RLK-Kuusisto’s and M. White’s budgets are very close.
- M. White and J. Jamnick will go over the budget differences and present their findings to the Board to be discussed at a future meeting.
- M. White stated that the classifications for EDU’s are those used by the County and that he felt the District would need to prepare its own classifications.
- M. White said files would need to be created for each property to include easement documentation, EDU assignment, and property description.
- M. White requested assumptions from J. Jamnick on how EDU’s were determined.
- M. White pointed out that the Butch Eggen property had been dropped from the plan. This will be corrected.
- Metering may have to be considered for some commercial hook-ups.
RLK-Kuusisto Progress Report
- About 85% of the legal description documents have been received from Cope & Peterson.
- They are receiving comments from landowners in response to their letter with easement placement maps sent previously.
- They have communicated with the Minnesota Historical Society and the U.S. Forest Service about easement procedure and with Potlatch Corp. regarding land purchase.
- Sludge disposal issues have been discussed.
Ordinance Discussion
- The Board was not prepared for this discussion.
Rural Development Schedule
- Rural Development has requested an up-dated time schedule for the project. This will be provided by RLK-Kuusisto
Motion by M. White, supported by J. Sanborn to authorize Alicia Cope of Cope & Peterson to execute any documents pertaining to easements on the Board’s behalf and to complete the Potlatch land purchase including authorization of the Treasurer to make disbursements for easements and Potlatch land purchase and application for NPDES permit. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk J. Pohlman will ask the MPCA for their 2001 lake sampling report that should be available this spring.
Motion by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to authorize the purchase of file cabinets for J. Pohlman and M. White. Motion carried unanimously.
The next meeting will be on April 17, 2000 at 7:30 PM at the Crane Lake Chapel with a study session beginning at 6:30PM prior to the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8.30 PM.
J. Pohlman