Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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April 6, 2005 – 7:30 P.M.



The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:30 P.M.


Members present:  Managers Bud Bystrom, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott, and Michael White.   Manager Deena Congdon arrived at 7:35PM.

Members absent:  None.


Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto, Jim Pohlman of NTS, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, and reporters from the Cook News-Herald and the Voyageur Sentinel. There were no members of the community present.




A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 2005.  Motion carried.


M. White reviewed the March Treasurer’s Report and presented the invoices on hand for payment approval. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to pay the following invoices on hand:  Administrative:  Chapel – $180.00; Frontier – $55.46; RLK-Kuusisto – $2,020.00; Quill – $222.18; EFG – $510.00 and Costin Group – $750.00.  Gold Coast Project:  RLK-Kuusisto – $1,647.50; EFG – $1,500.00 and Rice Lake – $48,096.52.  Plant Operations:  Anderson’s Outfitters – $40.00; MPCA – $505.00; Hawkins – $114.12 and Lake Country Power $41.05 and $618.03.  Motion carried.


The correspondence was presented to the Board.  A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.  Motion carried.


RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report

  • Corrective Actions – Grinder Stations/Pipelines:  There have been problems with stators and guide rails on the pumps and with frozen lines.  The lines on Bayside drive are believed to be corrected (See NTS Report).  On the Stuart McKie property the Contractor has insulated the lines and laid them deeper and will wait for frost to go out of the ground before completing the job. Wagner, NTS and Quality Flow met to investigate the problems with increased pump station running times.  They will put together a corrective plan of action.  M. White asked that RLK provide a letter stating their plan of action to be forwarded to Mary Frances Skala for review before going to Wagner.
  • Recording of Plat:  The plat should be completed and provided to Cope & Peterson within the next two weeks.
  • Forecast/Bid Requests:  A Budget Summary was presented to the Board by RLK for review.
  • MPCA Project Priority List: RLK is currently updating the ESA plan with a goal of completing the update and providing it to the Board prior to the next meeting.  The MPCA deadline is May 6th.  The ESA is currently on the list.  Providing a revised, more detailed plan should increase the point level of the project on the Project Priority List, thus increasing the opportunity for funding.
  • Capacity Allocation Plan:  A draft copy of the plan was emailed to the Board on this date.  M. White will  have Gary Cerkvenik of Costin Group review the Plan.
  • Hilltop Road:  Hilltop Road is in poor condition and work is currently being done to correct the problem.  A temporary bypass has been created around the mud.  M. White requested that RLK schedule a time for the road to be returned to its original state.  Jim Pucel will get this information from the Contractor.
  • Voyagaire Road:  Jim Janssen has requested that the material that was previously on the road be replaced.  He was considering paving the area.
  • Electrical Inspection:  Electrical inspection of grinder pump wiring procedure sheets were provided to M. White by the Electrical Inspector.  Clerk Jo Ann will mail the procedure sheets to WSA property owners.


RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report (Cont.)

  • Rice Lake Final Pay Estimate and Compensating Change Order:  J. Pucel requested that the Certificate of Approval be signed for the Pay Estimate and Change Order.  A motion was made by M. White, supported by D. Congdon, to approve signature of the Rice Lake Final Pay Estimate and Compensating Change Order Certificate of Approval.  Motion carried.
  • Wells:  Letters have been written to Wagner regarding the wells at the Jim Mohr and the Tufte properties with no response to date.  Another letter will be written with the request of a response within 10 days.  If no response is received, the Board will proceed with hiring a well driller to address the situations.  The process is going forward on the Zullick well as required by the Minnesota Department of Health.
  • Warrantee Definition:  The Project Manager intends to look into extending the warrantee period another year.


NTS Project Status Report

  • Jim Pohlman reported that emergency thawing of the lines on Bayside Drive was complete except for the Lutz property, which will be done later.  J. Pucel will contact the Contractor regarding the Lutz property and report to the Board.  The Board agreed that service must be provided to all customers at all times.  Mary Frances Skala will be consulted on the Board’s position with ongoing problems with the Contractor.  Problems with the system will be added to the Punch List.
  • Quotes were received from Mike Appelwick of NTS.  One for a Hach Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring System to monitor and store dissolved oxygen effluent data as required by the MPCA for $2,487.00; the other from Quality Flow Systems to monitor and store lift station volumetric flow as required by the MPCA and to provide flow measurement data to assist in customer billing for $4,800.00.  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to approve the purchase of the two items plus a laptop as needed.  Motion carried.
  • Beddow Property:  Joel Beddow has stated that he will be adding underground piping on his property from RV sites to the dump station tank, which then goes to the grinder.  Previously, his customers would drive to the dump station tank.  There will be no added campsites.
  • Crane Lake Sign:  The CLVTB wants to move the sign at the Voyageur Statue to the corner of the Crane Lake and Handberg Roads by the lift station.  Mike Appelwick and Jim Pucel will supply a map showing where they think the sign should be placed.  That map will then be reviewed by the County as the sign would be in the right-of-way.


Continuous Operation Plan

  • M. Appelwick supplied a quote to the Board for a portable trailer/pump/tank for emergency grinder station pumping.  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to authorize NTS to purchase the recommended equipment at $8,265.00. Motion carried.


Environmental Financial Group

  • M. White suggested that a Special Meeting be arranged with Scott Harder to discuss the  EFG items on the agenda.   The Board agreed.  M. White will contact Mr. Harder to set the date.


On-site Systems

  • Holding Tanks:  The Board and Jim Pucel will communicate via e-mail, fax and phone to review the Capacity Allocation Plan provided by RLK prior to the meeting.  Their goal is to arrive at an understanding and to fine-tune the plan prior to the next Board meeting.
  • Management District:  The Board is considering modeling a plan for the District after that of the Otter Tail Water Management District for on-site wastewater management.  All members of the District with on-site systems would be involved in this plan.  The Board agreed that Gary Cerkvenik and the MPCA should meet to determine if the District can create a Management District within a sanitary district.


Rural Development Non-discrimination Requirement

  • Letters were mailed on April 2nd to WSA property owners who did not respond to a similar mailing sent in January 2001 and to new property owners in the sewered area addressing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin.  The mailing is required by our principal funding source, the USDA Rural Development.  Some responses have already been received.




M. White spoke to Minnesota Rural Water regarding schooling for the Board of Managers.  There would be a two-hour session and the Town Board will be invited to attend. M. White will continue talking MRW to set up a possible date.


The MPCA has requested that volunteers help monitor water quality levels in area lakes of which Crane Lake is included.  B. Bystrom volunteered to do this and will contact the MPCA.


R. Scott suggested that invoices for unpaid permit applications be included with the monthly base and volume charge billing.






There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM


J. Pohlman, Clerk




Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD