February 1, 2006 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.
Members present: Managers Bill Congdon, Darrell Scott, and Rob Scott.
Members absent: None
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto, Kenny Winkler and Jim Pohlman of NTS, Robert Patrick of N & R Services, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, reporters from the Cook News-Herald, Timberjay, and Voyageur Sentinel, and 24 members of the community.
Opening Comments: Chairman Rob Scott welcomed everyone to the meeting emphasizing how encouraging it was to see all those present. During the past year the average attendance changed from 1 attendee from January to May, to 5 attendees from June to September, with the fall attendance averaging around 11. He stated that the Board had gone through a lot of changes in the past few months with two Treasurer and three Board Member resignations. He then acknowledged the resignations of Michael White and Bud Bystrom from the Board and welcomed Bill Congdon to the Board. Mike and Bud’s contributions to the Board and the community were greatly appreciated and they will be missed. Additionally, he stated that at the end of the business meeting the public would have a 5 minute time period to address the Board and that a sign in sheet was being passed and to indicate yes/no if you desired to make a public comment.
1/4/06 Action Items Review: Chairman Scott stated that the Action Items would be discussed throughout the Agenda.
A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 4, 2006. Motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. There were requests for two letters to be read aloud at the meeting. Chairman Scott stated that he would read the letters where appropriate within the Agenda. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
Chairman R. Scott asked for approval of the November Treasurer’s Report, which would remain as presented with any required corrections being included in the December End-of-Year report. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the November 2005 Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried. R. Scott reviewed the December Treasurer’s Report explaining that the reports were labeled preliminary subject to end-of-year work completion, including merging the Project records with the District records and other adjustments suggested by the Glorvigen accounting firm. With the meeting being held on the first day of the month, it was not possible to have a January Treasurer’s Report. That report will be presented for approval, at the March meeting. R. Scott stated that a meeting would be held to review Project Accounts, as the use of funds must be determined by the end of November. Meeting attendees would be R. Scott, Clerk J. Pohlman, Terrie Hoff and J. Pucel. R. Scott recommended Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman become the Clerk/Treasurer because of the recent Board changes. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to appoint Jo Ann Pohlman as Clerk/Treasurer. Motion carried. The invoices on hand were presented for payment approval later in the meeting but are recorded here. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to approve payment of the following invoices: Administrative: Fryberger – $249.60; Crane Lake Chapel – $60.00; V.T.S.I. – $2,444.40; CLVSC – $37.50, and Lutefisk Tech. – $65.00. Plant Operations: Lake Country Power – $26.19 & $590.71; NTS – $3,872.25; Quality Flow – $478.13. Flood Related: NTS – $1,008.00; and RLK-Kuusisto – $1,330.00. Gold Coast Project: Cope & Peterson – $641.00. Motion carried. Approval to pay for a basin received by Mr. Sokoloski was received under the NTS Status Report.
RLK/NTS – Treatment Plant Update and Corrective Actions
- Insurance Claim Status: Allied Adjusters has assured the Board, in writing, that the flood claims are valid and all items identified in RLK’s letter to Allied Adjusters will be covered. A total of $56,562.57 has been received from Allied Adjusters to date.
- Work Plan/Project Forecast: Project funding will be reviewed at the Financial Meeting planned for next week.
- UPS Enhancement: RLK reviewed the submittal letter sent by Nelson-Collie Electric for the work. RLK has responded to that submittal with their additions. The PLC, with the UPS enhancement, should be ready by April or May.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – 2/1/06
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- Wells: Peterson Well Drilling is scheduled to be at the site this week or next to test pump the Zullick well for adequate water supply.
- Hilltop Road – Rock Pile/Excavation: Letters were sent to Wagner Construction and Dave Adams with responses received by RLK from both. Resolution of this item will be handled by Alicia Cope of Cope & Peterson.
- Easements, Survey Pin: The survey pin issues are on the Wagner Punch List. RLK understands that Wagner will hire a surveyor to replace the pins.
- Bergemann IPS Replacement: Wagner Construction will complete the work with the possibility of contracting the work out. No time frame has been set.
- Tracer Line Locations: Wagner has contacted Jim Pohlman and will work with him to locate the tracer lines. Bob Patrick of N & R Services stated that it is important that location of all tracer lines remain on the punch list.
- Capital Asset Plan: RLK will complete the plan after plant improvements and enhancements are completed. They will work with Scott Harder of EFG on the plan.
- Engineer Services Amendment #5: The decision at the November meeting to address the Amendment upon completion of the Capital Asset Plan still stands.
NTS Status Report
- K. Winkler reported that the plant is running well and all quality standards are being met at the plant.
- Gopher State One Call: NTS will register with the system. NTS has awarded the work to Bob Patrick of N & R Services. A copy of his proposal was received by all Board members.
- Effluent Dissolved Oxygen Controller & Sensor Installation: NTS is currently working on installation.
- Preventive Annual Maintenance Plan: Inventory of equipment with O & M manual review is completed and a Plan is being drafted. A draft was submitted to the Board.
- Spare basin: Sheldon Sokoloski ordered a partial basin for the Hoff property. The basin received by Sokoloski was complete rather than partial. The District will purchase the complete basin and bill Mr. Sokoloski for the tank portion of the basin. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to purchase the basin and bill Sheldon Sokoloski for the tank. Motion carried.
EFG – Report
- 2006/2007 Forecast & Rate Review & Process Flow Volumes: Chairman Scott explained that at the January meeting a motion was passed to request that Scott Harder of EFG continue with work unrelated to the rate structure. Chairman Scott requested a motion to continue the rate structure work with Scott Harder. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to continue rate structure work with Scott Harder using Mike White’s analysis to update the figures being used by Scott Harder. Motion carried. R. Scott has scheduled a meeting with Scott Harder, Town Board Chairman Jerry Pohlman, and himself to discuss the rate structure.
Eastern Service Area
- Subordinate District Proposal: A letter was written to Bridget Chard, Small Communities Project Coordinator, requesting a proposal for consultant work. R. Scott will meet with Ms. Chard on February 7th and will report at the March meeting.
Capacity Reservation Fees
- R. Scott suggested at the previous meeting that a letter be sent to Mary Frances Skala of Fryberger asking for her interpretation of the letters sent to the two properties requesting capacity at the plant. Mr. Scott stated that her review of the minutes and letters identified that the plant had capacity for the addition of 27 EDU’s by Voyageur Lakes Development and 10 EDU’s by Scott’s Resort. An agreement is needed between the Board and the Developers for guaranty of plant space. Capacity Reservation Fees will be reviewed with Scott Harder. R. Scott requested a motion to write a letter to the Township regarding the Town’s desires on management of capacity reservations of the plant. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that R. Scott write a letter to the Township requesting their input on capacity reservation of the plant. Motion carried.
Fellowship Hall Accessibility
- The Board has received the results of Architectural Resources review of the Fellowship Hall accessibility. The next step is to present a transition plan to Rural Development. D. Scott will work with J. Pucel on that plan.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – 2/1/06
Election of Officers
- A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to proceed with election of a Chairman and to elect a Vice-Chairman at a later date. Motion carried.
- B. Congdon nominated R. Scott as Chairman. No other nominations were made. B. Congdon, D. Scott, and R. Scott voted in favor of Robert Scott as Chairman.
Board Designates – Banks, Attorneys, Accountant, Engineer, Newspaper
- A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that Border State Bank and the American Bank remain the District Banks. Motion carried.
- A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, that Cope & Peterson and Fryberger, Buchanan, et al remain the District Attorneys. Motion carried.
- A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that Glorvigen remain as the District Accountant with the additional duty of review of the District books on a monthly basis until further notice. Motion carried.
- A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, that RLK remain the District Engineer for consultant work following WSA Project completion. Motion carried.
- Quotes were presented by the Cook-News Herald, the Timberjay, and the Voyageur Sentinel for the District legal newspaper. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that the low bidder, theCook-News Herald remains the District legal newspaper. Motion carried.
Other Business
- Clerk Pohlman requested that the Board consider a new computer and printer for the District. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to pursue the research for computer and printer purchase not to exceed $2,500. Motion carried.
- Clerk Pohlman stated that the contract arrangement with Deanne Howard to open and log the billing receipt mail may not be the best option and suggested that Ms. Howard be paid through V.T.S.I as clerical services. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to pay Deanne Howard through V.T.S.I for clerical services. Motion carried.
- R. Scott read the two letters to the Town Board and copied to the CLWSD Board from Michael Seigley as requested. The letter dated 1/14/06 was regarding invalid appointment & conflict of interest policy enforcement; the letter dated 1/25/06 was regarding the restoration of stability before making decisions.
PUBLIC COMMENT (5 Minute Limit)
Paul Hamblin stated that he was not against the sewer project, development, or making money and stressed that the public interest should be considered above everything else. There is a perceived bias by the Board. Mr. Hamblin spoke of the drop in EDU’s from the original 163 to the current 125.5 and how that affects the cost for each property. He also indicated that Scott Harder’s memo of 11/4/05 used 109 EDU’s as a working figure.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.
J. Pohlman, Clerk
Action Item Summary (Reviewed after the meeting)