Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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July 9, 2008 – 7:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30.M.


Members present:  Managers Bill Congdon, Darrell Scott and Rob Scott.  Managers Dave Adams and Mike White were absent.

Also present: Sewer Maintenance Worker Jim Pohlman, Jim Johnson and Denny Reagan from SEH, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman, representatives from the Cook News-Herald and Voyageur Sentinel and 1 member of the community. John Jamnick of RLK-Kuusisto arrived at 7:40PM.


Opening Comments:  Chairman Rob Scott noted changes in the agenda to include Item No. 7 Namakan Basin Project.




A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of June 4, 2008. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The correspondence was presented to the Board.  A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.


Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report.  June payroll expenses, including payments to the US Treasury and MN Revenue, are as follows: Administrative – $776.42 and Operations – $4,364.87.  The May 2008 financial statements were reviewed as approved by Accountant Jennifer Hanson-Goulet of Glorvigen.  Jennifer voiced her concern about increased legal expense and the total income and expense for 2008 being at a minus $40,000.  Jennifer recommended transferring the ISTS Fund balance to the Administrative Fund as ESA expenses are currently paid from the Admin. Fund and the ISTS refund was attributed to ESA expense.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to transfer the $2,772.00 balance of the ISTS Fund to the Administrative Fund.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  Invoices-on-hand were reviewed with the Board. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of Admin., Plant Operation, and Freeze08 bills, excluding the Portage Inn corrective action bill for $1,800.00, which R. Scott thought RLK would be paying, as follows:  Administrative:  Glorvigen – $100.00 & $100.00; Fryberger, et all – $907.20; Costin Group – $500.00, $1,817.68 & $1,061.42; Crane Lake Chapel – $120.00; Jim Pohlman – $8.85; and Quill – $109.58. Operations:  Lake Country Power – $719.58 & $73.84; NTS – $38.00 & $38.00; Hawkins – $816.22; Terry’s Operational Services – $1,105.97; One Call Concepts – $2.90; RLK – $160.00; Grainger – $661.77; and Quality Flow $126.95, $297.10, $392.63 & $153.32. Operations/Freeze 08:  A-1 Services – $650.00; Viita’s Excavating – $297.50; Adam Sperling – $200.00; and Quality Flow – $334.05, $95.00, $153.32 & $81.95. J. Jamnick was not aware of the decision for RLK to pay Portage Inn.  There will be further discussion between RLK and the District. The motion was re-worded to include the Portage Inn payment of $1,800.00.   All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Audit:  The 2006 Audit numbers are final and Jennifer is currently writing the report.  Adjustments will be made to the District’s books on July 14th.

Capital Asset Plan: The Capital Asset Plan figures have been agreed upon by RLK and Glorvigen.

Gateway EDU Valuation:  Gateway Lodge is questioning their EDU assignment.  B. Congdon will review the assignment with them and a letter will then be sent clarifying their EDU assignment.

Privy:  Deena Congdon requested the District’s opinion on construction of a privy for a potential land buyer along the District mainline.  R. Scott understood that that would not be allowed.

Lance Ulen Request:  R. Scott referred to Lance Ulen’s letter requesting compensation for use of private vehicles for work related activities.  R. Scott asked Terry Jackson to look into Lance’s concerns at the last meeting and report to the Board.  No report has been sent, a reminder email will be sent to Terry Jackson.


Administration (CLWSD)

  • T. Jackson Contract:  Insurance information requested by Fryberger has been sent and the contract is ready to be finalized.
  • Insurance Renewal:  An insurance update list was received from Wells Fargo Insurance along with a waiver to be signed.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to not waive maximum compensation per insurance claim of $1,200.00.00.



CLWSD Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2008




Budget (CLWSD)

  • 2008/9 Rate Review-Analysis:  There was no action taken.
  • Grant Funds: The Board will supply letters transmitting resolutions for funding requests adopted at the June meeting as Gary Cerkvenik requests them.
  • MPCA Report:  Laurie Brown of the U of M Extension Service reported that the only way to request funds from the MPCA is through the PFA, which the District is currently involved in.
  • Debt Service Plan and Exception Authority Request:  Mia Peterson of Fryberger, et al, examined the applicable federal statutes and regulations for an Exception Authority request by the District for relief from the Rural Development loan and determined that the request as a whole would not apply to the District. R. Scott suggested that the District may be able to pursue something short of a full Exception Authority request.  The Board is awaiting a response from Fryberger.


Namakan Basin Project (S.E.H., MFS, RLK, Costin)

  • Jim Johnson of SEH reviewed their Status Update Memo for the Namakan Basin Sewer System Environmental Initiative listing actions addressed since the June meeting, including:   7/1/08 – St. Louis County Committee passed a resolution to support an allocation of up to $100,000 to match IRRA Funding for the Namakan Basin Sewer Study.   7/8/08 – The St. Louis County Board of Commissioners authorized allocation of up to $100,000 from their Environment Trust Fund to match IRRA Funding for the study.  6/26/08 – SEH met with Kabetogama Puck’s Point Subordinate Sanitary Sewer District of Kabetogama Twp. informing them of the project to determine if they wished to be included.  7/1/08 – Met with Kabetogama Town Board where they approved the SEH proposal for the Namakan Basin Sewer System contingent upon review and approval by the town attorney.  7/9/08 – Mike Larson of SEH submitted the IRRA Public Works Infrastructure Grant Application to the agency with a funding determination expected in August 2008.
  • SEH presented their proposal for the Namakan Basin Sewer System Environmental Initiative.  The proposal will be corrected to include the CLWSD rather than Crane Lake Township.  The proposal will then be forwarded to Mary Frances Skala for review prior to signature.
  • SEH recommended that a steering committee be formed to include the CLWSD, Kabetogama Township and Ash River through St. Louis County.  A primary and an alternate representative from each entity should be selected for the committee.  B. Congdon nominated Rob Scott as the primary representative to the steering committee and R. Scott nominated Bill Congdon as the alternate, both nominations were supported by D. Scott.  All voted in favor of the nominations.


Legal Issues (MFS, EFG, RLK)

  • NTS Invoices:  An offer for invoice settlement has been sent by Fryberger to NTS. No response to date.

Sewer Freezing Issue (RLK)

  • Permanent Fix, O & M Requirements, Elevated Pump Readings, Installation Specifications, Corrective Actions:  J. Jamnick reviewed the Project Status Report listing tasks completed and issues that need to be addressed.  Installation of centrifugal pumps at the end of the low flow lateral lines to overcome the head pressure is being considered.  Information on heaters for two grinder stations and the air relief valves will be sent by Quality Flow.  Quality Flow will provide a solution on sealing electrical inlets to solve the infiltration problems.  Quality flow will review current shutdown procedures.  Meters will be supplied to run parallel to existing meters to insure accuracy of the current metering system.  The system should be flushed every two years to reduce build up in the lines.  Quality Flow is also evaluating options for replacement of the recirculation pumps at the plant.  Expense for Freeze08 correction is estimated to be around $60,000. The Board discussed payment of the needed repairs deciding that the repairs were necessary now with a payment plan being addressed later.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to approve RLK’s list of necessary actions and to complete repair to the system before winter.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.
  • Insurance Claim:  An insurance claim was submitted to the League of Minnesota Cities for the current freezing issues.  J. Jamnick is communicating with Allied Adjusters.


RLK Engineering Status Report (RLK)

  • Stahnke Connection:  A completed Application for Sewer Connection Permit and $350 check were received from Ms. Stahnke for modifications to her current system. The Clerk will communicate with Ms. Stahnke as to status of the modifications.


  CLWSD Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2008



RLK Engineering Status Report (RLK) (Cont.)

  • CSAH 24 Culvert Issue:  The County stated that the utility will need to pay for the relocation of the sewer line.  A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon approving R. Scott to write a letter to St. Louis County advising them that the CLWSD does not have the funds to move the sewer lines.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  J. Jamnick suggested that the District could apply for CDBG funds to move the sewer lines.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott to apply to the CDBG for funds to move the sewer lines during construction of the culvert on CSAH 24.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.
  • Berling Connection:  There was nothing to report. A letter will be written to the Berling’s to review the status of their future plans for possible connection to the system.


Operations Report

  • Jim Pohlman reviewed Terry Jackson report stating that all effluent limitations during the month of June were maintained. A meeting with the CLVFD was productive with a tour of the plant and discussion of safety concerns.  Keys were provided and recommendations will be met. The lift station at the Pines was opened and is back in service.  Quality flow has been authorized to provide maintenance and calibration of the pumps in the main lift station and the effluent pumps at the plant.  The MPCA will accompany Terry at the plant to administer a squirt test of each zone of the recirculation sand filters.  Terry met with John Jamnick, Jim Pohlman and representatives from Quality Flow to evaluate the needs of the collection system.
  • J. Pohlman stated that Dave Beckmann’s tank needs to be replaced.  The District has a spare tank to use and another will need to be purchased.  The tank replacement was added to the RLK permanent fix list.



PUBLIC COMMENT (5 Minute Limit)  There were none.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:20PM


Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk





This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD