Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 – 7:30 PM
Regular Meeting Agenda
Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall
Call the Meeting to Order: 7:30 PM
Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of June 2, 2004.
1. Correspondence (Pohlman)
2. RLK-Project Status Report (Pucel)
3. RLK Contract – Amendment #3 (Pucel/White)
4. Rice Lake Change Order (White)
5. Financial Plan (White)
6. Billing/Collecting System (Congdon/Pohlman)
7. NTS Contract (White)
8. ESA – Plan and Funding
9. Rainy River Basin Meeting (Bystrom)
10. Other Business
Public Comments
Next Meeting: July 7, 2004 – 7:30 P.M. Fellowship Hall