June 3, 2009 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.
Members present: Managers Bill Congdon, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott and Mike White.
Members absent: Manager Dave Adams.
Also present: SEH, Inc. Sr. Project Manager Jim Johnson, Sewer Operator Terry Jackson and Anne Jackson, Sewer Maintenance Worker Jim Pohlman, and Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman.
Opening Comments: Chairman Scott moved Item 8 – Legal Issues, RLK and SEH Collection System Analysis to the beginning of the Agenda to include Don Lutch of SEH in the meeting via telephone.
Legal Issues
- RLK and SEH Collection System Analysis: Jim Johnson supplied copies of the Wastewater Collection System Assessment at the Committee meeting on June 2nd, and distributed a synopsis of the Assessment to the Board. Chairman Scott explained that Don Lutch had walked through the Analysis with the Committee the previous day and had agreed to be available at this time to review the Analysis with the Board by telephone. Mr. Lutch began his review of the synopsis by saying the design of the system was in compliance with the 2001 Facility Plan Update and MPCA requirements. Sections reviewed were:
- 2.0 Collection System Design: Winter season low flow rates increase potential for solids settling out due to low velocities in pipelines and increase potential for freezing pipelines.
- 2.1 Collection System Hydraulics: Use of multiple smaller diameter parallel forcemain lines in common trench to try and achieve higher velocities at the lower seasonal flow rates. Parallel lines will accommodate peak summer season flows and can be shut down in the winter months.
- 2.3 Geometric System Design: Environment One Grinder Pump enclosure is better enclosure system than the Barnes enclosure system. The internal barrier between the pump wet chamber and the upper access way to the hatch allows for isolation from moist air of the wet chamber and the upper cold weather chamber. Provides more of a barrier to freezing potential and a better insulation system.
- 2.4 Public Right of Way Forcemain: 7.5 feet of depth is a critical requirement. Insulation full length of pipe area where depth can not be achieved. Focus on placing pipe outside of the traveled and plowed roadways. Eliminate air vent assemblies #5 & #7 on Gold Coast Road. Bayside drive at the corner air release manhole is a problem. Improve insulation around concrete structure. Efforts of heat tracing have helped the situation to some degree at this area. Minimize air release assemblies to those areas where absolutely necessary.
- 2.5 Pump Installation and Service Lateral Freezing: Correction of inflow issues at electrical service connection and residence sewer service connection. Consideration of bulkhead fittings versus other methods. Care and caution on use of solutions.
- The Board now has input and will decide what, if any, follow-up information is needed from SEH to prioritize repairs. RLK’s responsibility must also be reviewed.
Minutes: A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of May 6, 2009. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Correspondence: The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board. A motion was made by M. White, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. May payroll expenses were as follows: Administrative – $582.89 and Operations – $2,940.14. $10,000 was transferred from S.A.R. Savings back to the Operating Fund in April. The April 2009 financial statements were presented to the Board. A letter was received from the St. Louis County Auditor’s Office offering early distribution of 2009 taxes. The Board declined the offer. Invoices-on-hand were reviewed with the Board. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: Glorvigen – $115.00; Carl Brown Consulting – $2,716.55; CL Post Office – $25.00 and Terrie Hoff – $15.96. Operations: Lake Country Power – $1,172.83, $71.23, $66.38 & $118.32 Terry’s Operational Services – $1,116.00 & $20.41; Handberg’s Marine – $41.48; Adam Sperling – $300.00; Jim Pohlman – $300.00 and Lance Ulen – $690.00. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – June 3, 2009
EDU Survey Letters: Letters reviewing current EDU assignments were sent to WSA residents with the May billing. Many responses have been received with three comments; one from the Crane Lake Chapel, requesting to be re-evaluated should CLWSD policy change, another from Voyageur Lakes Development requesting the Boards review of 15 EDU’s and one from Susan Pfeifer questioning the inclusion of her Park Model in her EDU valuation. A letter will be written to Ms. Pfeifer requesting confirmation whether or not her Park Model is connected to the grinder station.
- Culvert: The County was advised of Board action approving funding for maintenance of the main line during culvert construction this fall. The County will be sending an agreement to the Board.
- Insurance Claims (2008, 2009). The Insurance Claim for the 2008 Freeze has been closed. Invoices pertaining to the 2009 Freeze Claim will be sent to the Adjuster.
- Service Connection Procedure: There is the possibility of up to three new connections in the E.S.A. Terry Jackson reviewed expenses to provide holding tank pumping services and submitted a report to the Board. Installation of a holding tank would cost approximately $3,500. A local contractor quote for pumping and disposal was $125 per 1,500 gallons. It was estimated that a tank would need to be pumped twice a month. Further review is required.
- Mike Seigley is concerned about his driveway settling problem and has requested Board action. Mr. Seigley was asked to refer to a letter written to him on 11/17/08 where he is asked to refer to the 4/2/08 minutes where RLK states the driveway issue is not a Board issue and will be resolved between RLK and Mr. Seigley. A letter will be written to RLK with a copy to Mr. Seigley reminding RLK of their agreement to resolve the problem.
USDA-RD Debt Service Update
- All items requested in the Workout Plan have been submitted to Rural Development. Follow-up questions are being responded to as received.
JPA Update
- The monthly meeting of the Namakan Basin Joint Powers Board (JPB) was at the Cook Land Department on May 21, 2009. Julie Kennedy of S.E.H. Engineering provided an update on the JPB Comprehensive Plan. A revision to the original proposal was approved. The Board is in the initial data collection phase. Commissioner Nelson provided an update on the status of the Joint JPA that is in progress between St. Louis and Koochiching Counties. An advisory board will be recommended for the Joint JPA. Gary Cerkvenik provided an update on the potential funding areas he is working on. The next meeting is scheduled for June 25, 2009 at 2PM at the Cook Land Office.
Collection System
- Elevated Pump Readings: Ron Rutchasky of Rutchasky Enterprises and Terry Jackson are communicating regarding supplies and required work needed for infiltration at grinder stations.
- O & M Requirements: The Board discussed billing options as related to the interim connections between Handberg Road and White Pine Way.
ESA Expansion
- Interim Connections: Discussed above.
Treatment Plant and Operations Report
- Terry Jackson reviewed his report with the Board. All effluent standards were maintained during the month of May.
- T. Jackson reviewed a report from Lake Country Power pertaining to the main lift station. The Power Company believes that the low measured power factor of the load is the problem. The solution is to install capacitors. If this correction does not solve the problem, Lake Country Power will convert the transformer bank to a three-transformer, wye – wye connected bank at 120/208 Volts. T. Jackson recommended Ken Hegman of Canoe Country Electric to provide the work for the District at $1,200.00. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by M. White to approve the electrical work. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
- Gopher State One Call locates: The District is receiving locate emails from Gopher State One Call. The Board determined that the emails should be forwarded to both the Board and T. Jackson. A course of action would then be determined depending on the location.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – June 3, 2009
PUBLIC COMMENT (5 Minute Limit) – There was none.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.