May 18, 2005 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Managers Bud Bystrom, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott, and Michael White.
Members absent: Deena Congdon.
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto, Jim Pohlman of NTS, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel and two members of the community.
Prior to the business meeting, Rob Scott offered an apology for his conduct at the previous meeting, which was accepted.
Property owner Paul Brinkman was introduced by Chairman M. White. Mr. Brinkman had some issues with his property lines, line leakage, run off, and general cleanup since the construction last summer. Jim Pucel of RLK and Mr. Brinkman will set an appointed time to review the items in question.
A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 4, 2005. Motion carried.
M. White presented the invoices on hand for payment approval. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by B. Bystrom, to approve the following invoices for payment: Administrative: Frontier – $64.11 and EFG – $960.00. Plant Operations: Frontier – $44.41 and $92.90; and Sunrise Construction – $300.00. Gold Coast Project: Cope & Peterson – $365.00. Motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- Corrective Actions/Collection System: RLK has requested information and price quotes on insulation of air release structures and has not received a response. More research was done with information being received from Duluth that has a similar system. Research will continue. Another letter will be written to Quality Flow regarding the guide rails for the Hoff grinder pump and a request for spare rails. R. Scott stated that an alternative source for guide rails for the Hoff pump needed to be found as Quality Flow is not being cooperative and customers need to be fully operational. Options were discussed and the guide rails will be replaced.
- Recording of Plat: The plat has been sent to Cope & Peterson for recording. RLK will contact Cope & Peterson for a schedule and report to the Board at the next meeting.
- Voyagaire Road: As reported at the last meeting, the rock has been placed at Voyagaire Lodge’s entrances. Mr. Janssen agreed with the placement of the rock. Kolstad Well will be here in a couple of weeks to address the well issues at the Mohr and the Tufte properties. A letter was written to Peterson Well asking for a schedule for the project status at the Zullick property. The Minnesota Department of Health has been in communication with Peterson also.
- Warranty Issues: The noisy pump at the plant has failed. Rice Lake has been contacted for replacement.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report (Cont.)
- MPCA Project Priority List: The PPL update request has been sent to the MPCA along with the revised Preliminary Engineering Report. RLK will set up a meeting with Bret Ballavance of the MPCA to discuss the project in detail and find ways to increase needed points to be placed on the list. Points were at 80 and now are at 119. Mr. Ballavance recommended that the Board request to be placed on the Intended Use Plan (IUP) list by June 3rd to be considered for 2006 funding. There was no comment from the Board, although the Chair requested a motion.
- Crane Lake Sign: RLK presented a drawing for possible sign placement to M. White, who gave it to the Clerk to be sent to Dee Kuder of the CLVTB.
- Capital Asset Plan: RLK was requested to identify the assets and costs from the project. M. White also asked for their proposal to do the work.
- Project Forecast: A list of the remaining items to be charged to the project was requested. R. Scott asked that a comparison of budget to actual be on that list.
- Grand Opening: June 1st is the date set for the Grand Opening of the Wastewater Treatment and Collection System. J. Pucel sent a list of intended invitees to the Board for approval/additions.
- Wagner Issues: Terrie Hoff’s property needs some cleanup. Ollie Eggen would like to purchase any remaining Class 5 gravel. RLK will explain the process for Class 5 gravel purchase to Mr. Eggen.
- The Grinder Station warranty issue must be resolved.
NTS Project Status Report
- Jim Pohlman reported that the pump at the plant had failed and the guide rails for the Hoff grinder pump had not been received as reported above.
- All plant reports are good.
- The new electrical wire received for the Allan McKie property was not long enough. A 115’ wire has now been ordered, which should be received soon.
- Grinder Station/Pipeline Maintenance: Eight more individual grinder pump stations have been inspected and tested with all being in good condition. The inspections of all grinder pump stations will continue.
- Monitoring Equipment Status: The equipment is on order.
- MPCA Inspection: Mr. Ben Wiener of the MPCA Duluth Regional Office inspected the plant on 5/12/05. A report will be sent with minor comments. Overall the report should be good.
- Preventive Annual Maintenance Plan: Mike Appelwick and RLK will review manufacturer equipment specs to assist in plan creation. R. Scott requested an outline of the plan before completion.
Continuous Operation Plan
- The KECO pump trailer tank system should be shipped next week.
EFG – Report
- R. Scott Assessment: Adjustment of the St. Louis County record is 80% complete.
- Capital Asset Policy: The Plan has been approved.
- Handicap Policy: S. Harder’s suggestions were sent to Roger Clapp of Rural Development for approval.
- Management Report: A template has been received. M. White commented that it looked like a good layout and that any template would be subject to change as we work with it. The Board will review the template.
- Accounting System: An accounting program with the ability to interface with other programs is needed. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, recommending that D. Congdon communicate with both the accounting firm and Scott Harder to make a decision on a program and go forward. Motion carried.
- 2005 Forecast: A recommendation was received today from Scott Harder on raising the base charge rate by $5 and the volume rate by $1 per 1000/gallons to have a cash balance at the end of the year to go through the next winter. The Board will review.
- Connection Procedure: A report was received from Mr. Harder, which the Board will review.
- Review Procedure: R. Scott suggested that Mr. Harder send e-mails directly to all Board members to speed the review process.
Eastern Service Area
- Preliminary Engineering Report: The report requires Board approval so RLK can transmit copies to affected agencies. No action was taken, although the Chair requested a motion.
- Property Identification Plan: John Jamnick of RLK sent a proposed format to M. White today identifying properties for holding tanks and properties for ISTS systems. After review, a financial plan will be presented. Then a public hearing will be scheduled.
Manager Training Report: Manager training, with CLWSD and Town Board members attending, was held on May 12th at the Fellowship Hall. Mr. Pete McPherson of the Minnesota Rural Water Association led an interesting and informative session.
Property Tax Payment: M. White informed the Board that there was no reason to request an early payment of property taxes on June 20th as administrative funds were in good order.
Monthly Board Meetings: A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to change back to one Board meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, but to continue receiving RLK, NTS, and EFG reports bi-monthly. Discussion followed regarding changing the meeting day. Motion carried.
Unpaid permit fees: There are three remaining permit fees to be paid. Invoices will be sent monthly.
Alice Hill, Voyageur Sentinel reporter, suggested that a decision be made soon on an accounting program because of the work involved in changing from one system to another mid-year.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.
J. Pohlman, Clerk