May 7, 2008 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.
Members present: Managers Dave Adams, Bill Congdon, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott and Mike White.
Also present: John Jamnick of RLK-Kuusisto, Sewer Operator Terry Jackson, Sewer Maintenance Worker Jim Pohlman, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman, representatives from the Cook News-Herald and Voyageur Sentinel and Anne Jackson.
A motion was made by M. White, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 2, 2008 and the Closed Meeting of April 2, 2008. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. A motion was made by B. Condon, supported by D. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required.
Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The 2006 Audit is still being completed. The March 2008 Financial Reports have not been reviewed by Glorvigen and were presented to the Board as Preliminary. April payroll expenses were as follows: Administrative – $456.20 and Operations – $2,431.81. Invoices-on-hand were reviewed with the Board. A motion was made by M. White, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: Glorvigen – $100.00; Fryberger, et all – $888.71; Costin Group – $750.00; Cook’s North Country Floral – $78.22; and Lutefisk Technologies – $164.63. Operations: Lake Country Power – $963.47 & $68.88; NTS – $38.00; Terry’s Operational Services – $1,083.60; Quality Flow – $505.82; Minnesota Revenue – $505.00; USA BlueBook/Jim Pohlman – $97.30 and Northwoods True Value/Lance Ulen – $19.38. Corrective: RLK-Kuusisto – $729.25 & $207.44. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
MN Audit Requirements: A document is available to the Board for review representing an act as presented to the governor and relates to state government defining political subdivision for the purposes of the chapter governing the state auditor, applying provisions for the state auditor to all political subdivisions, and amending sections of Minnesota Statutes 2006.
Administration (CLWSD)
- Emergency Response Plan (ERP): J. Jamnick and T. Jackson have reviewed and made required changes to the ERP portion of the O & M manual for presentation to the MPCA. J. Jamnick will present the manual and cover letter to be sent to the MPCA to the Board for approval at the June meeting. A copy will be available for Board member review prior to the June meeting. J. Jamnick and T. Jackson will prepare a detailed addition to the O & M manual for the Collection System (not required by the MPCA).
- Capital Asset Plan: J. Jamnick presented a draft Capital Asset Schedule to the Board, which will be sent to Jennifer Hanson of the Glorvigen Accounting Firm.
- T. Jackson Contract: Fryberger, et al requested that Terry Jackson’s Commercial General Liability Insurance be increased. A Certificate of Insurance will be forwarded to Fryberger, Buchanan for contract completion.
2008/09 Rate Review & Financial (MFS, EFG, RLK, Costin)
- Debt Service Plan: There has been communication with Rural Development and Carl Brown on debt relief. Options being pursued by the Board are: Whether the “exception authority” authorized under 7 C.F.R § 1780.25 and/or § 1782.22 allows for any relief and passage of Carl Brown’s rate recommendation with possible modification. R. Scott will contact Carl Brown regarding a possible update to his rate recommendation.
- Grant Funds: St. Louis County Planning Department received a request from a County Commissioner to provide information on all sanitary districts in the County to review similar debt problems for proposed legislation to assist one of the districts. Information was forwarded to the Planning Department. Laurie Brown of the U of M Extension Service is also dialoging with the MPCA on a similar note. Gary Cerkvenik of the Costin Group, R. Scott and B. Congdon attended two Joint Sewer Committee Meetings involving Kabetogama, Ash River and Crane Lake to outline an approach for State and Federal funding to improve wastewater collection and treatment within the area adjoining the waters of Voyageurs National Park. The direction is now toward legislative action to protect waters in the park. The second meeting in Orr on this date resulted in the following: SEH Engineering Firm would provide, at no cost, an informational package to present to Congressman Oberstar; the Corps of Engineers could be
CLWSD Meeting Minutes – May 7, 2008
2008/09 Rate Review & Financial (MFS, EFG, RLK, Costin) (cont.)
- willing to take on the project; VNP is in support of the project; the County would be the financing authority; 2010 would be the earliest any funds would be provided. A motion was made by D. Adams, supported by B. Congdon to increase payment to the Costin Group from $750 per month to $1,000. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by D. Adams, supported by D. Scott to approve expenses for B. Congdon to attend a related meetings with Gary Cerkvenik in Washington D.C. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Legal Issues (MFS, EFG, RLK)
- Elevated Pump Readings: Discussed under Sewer Freezing Issue (RLK)
- NTS Invoices: An offer for invoice settlement has been sent by Fryberger to NTS. No response to date.
- Service Connection Procedures: Nothing new to report.
- Township Community Action Plan/Options: ESA action is on hold until the debt issue is resolved.
Sewer Freezing Issue (RLK)
- Permanent Fix: D. Adams presented a list of collection system concerns to the Board and J. Jamnick. J. Jamnick reviewed the Project Status Report addressing each item on the list provided by D. Adams. RLK will verify all items plus others and suggest remedies. M. White expressed concern that current problems being addressed on an individual basis could relate to overall system problems.
- O&M Requirements: Requirements will be reviewed.
RLK Engineering Status Report (RLK)
- Stahnke Connection: A letter was sent to Ms. Stahnke requesting completion and return of the form sent previously.
- CSAH 24 Culvert Issue: An email was received from St. Louis County Planning requesting to discuss design and changes of the sewer line prior to replacing the culvert on CSAH 24 this fall. That information was sent to J. Jamnick to respond to the County.
- Berling Connection: The Berlings may connect to the system, but are not required to do so. A letter will be sent outlining issues involved.
Operations Report
- Terry Jackson reported that the plant continues to operate well with discharge limits remaining within required standards. Freezing issues continue on Bayside Drive and at the Pines. Jim and Lance are pumping on a daily basis. Lance Ulen has expressed an interest in becoming a certified operator for the ClWSD. A correspondence course would be $99 with a second course at an additional $99. The Board requested that Lance provide a letter of intent to the Board. Jim Pohlman reported that the tanks being pumped on a daily basis require a professional pumping service for sludge removal.
PUBLIC COMMENT (5 Minute Limit) – None
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.