November 17, 2004 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Managers Bud Bystrom, Deena Congdon, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott and Michael White.
Members absent: None.
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK Kuusisto, Jim Pohlman of NTS, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel and 1 member of the community.
A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Bystrom, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 3, 2004. Motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Congdon, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- MDH – All Minnesota Health Department issues have been resolved but the well for the Zullick property. A liner will be inserted into the well and RLK is still waiting for information from Peterson Well Drilling about proceeding. M. White requested that RLK write a letter to Peterson Well Drilling asking for a forecast of the Zullick well work completion.
- Service Connections/Abandonments – 68 have been completed to date.
- Punch list items are being completed. Updated punch lists for the Collection and Treatment Systems were sent to the Board prior to the meeting.
- The Heil property has requested that they abandon their system now and connect in the spring. The Board decided to address this issue later in the meeting.
- Problems have arisen regarding the Allan McKie grinder pump and tank installation. RLK will send a letter to Wagner addressing the issue.
- Plant Influent Meter – The price quote for the influent meter is $16,000.00. M. White requested that RLK research other price quotes.
- Budget Summary – An updated Budget Summary was sent to the Board prior to the meeting. M. White will tie the Budget Summary to available funds.
- M. White requested that RLK look into the large amount of water and ice on the road between the Arthur Eggen and Virginia Stahnke properties to determine if it is the Contractor or the County’s responsibility to remedy it. It currently is a safety hazard.
- Ditching on Handberg Road – RLK will contact the County to see if the Board must make a decision on the depth of the main line along Handberg Road where the County has been ditching.
- Easement Changes during Construction – D. Congdon and J. Pucel will review the list as to cost distribution and submit a recommendation to the Board.
NTS Project Status Report
- Facility Operations – Jim Pohlman reported that the plant is operating well.
- J. Pohlman also reported that a number of grinder stations were discovered to have been leaked into while the winterization process was going on. RLK is aware of some of them and requested a list from J. Pohlman.
- J. Pohlman further stated that pumps would be pulled in stations that are not hooking up to the system at this time. These are properties that requested stations and will have facilities to connect to in the future.
NTS Project Status Report (Cont.)
- M. White will talk to M. Appelwick about the User Guides. User Guides will be sent to all WSA property owners and notices will be sent to those properties that have been winterized.
- The plant received an increased amount of water during the end of October rain storm. Since the system is believed to be sealed well, the infiltration of excess water is coming from unwanted sources. RLK and NTS will research the situation to identify the sources.
Rate Ordinance Status
- Drafts of a revised copy of Ordinance No. 1 and a new Ordinance No. 3 where received and reviewed by the Board.
- M. White sent his recommendations to the Board with three changes to Ordinance No. 3.
- D. Congdon made a motion to adopt revised Ordinance No. 1 and Ordinance No. 3 with M. Whites recommended changes. B. Bystrom supported the motion.
- R. Scott was concerned about the methodology in determining houseboat EDU. The Board requested that RLK review their approach using the same value system calculations used for other EDU’s in the WSA.
- D. Congdon withdrew the motion and B. Bystrom withdrew the second.
- The Ordinances will be addressed again at the December 1st meeting.
Accounting/Reporting System
- A proposed Chart of Accounts has been received from Glorvigen and D. Congdon will begin working with them on the computer.
- Glorvigen’s work on the 2003 audit is nearly completed.
- All documents needed by Glorvigen for the 2003 audit were returned to M. White.
Eastern Service Area Plan
- Gary Cerkvenik of Costin Group, Inc. requested a meeting be set up between M. Appelwick of NTS, J. Jamnick of RLK and members of the Board to review progress to date. M. White indicated he would attend the meeting. A November 30th date is being considered for the meeting.
Meeting Schedule
- There will be a December 15th meeting.
The Board agreed that the connection and abandonment must be completed this year on the Heil property. M. White will write a letter to the Heils.
A letter was sent to St. Louis County with Special Assessment adjustments. Another letter will be sent soon with the final 2004 adjustments.
M. White will respond to the letter received from the St. Louis County Planning Department regarding proposed development in the WSA.
M. White stated that Rural Water provides board training for sanitary district board members and will contact Ruth Hubbard of Rural water about arranging a training session for our Board.
Dorothy Mohr asked if a decision was made to send a letter to those properties that were winterized and that were having pumps pulled for the winter season. M. White responded that a letter would be sent with the User Guides.
Dorothy Mohr agreed with Rob Scott that the houseboat EDU valuation should be further researched by RLK.
Jim Pohlman suggested that a letter be sent to the Crane Lake Volunteer Fire Department thanking the crew for their help in the winterization process.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:10P.M.
J. Pohlman, Clerk