November 2, 2005 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.
Members present: Managers Bud Bystrom, Deena Congdon, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott, and Michael White.
Members absent: None
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto, Kenny Winkler and Jim Pohlman of NTS, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, reporters from the Cook News-Herald, the Voyageur Sentinel and the Timberjay, and 7 members of the community.
Opening Comments: Chairman Rob Scott, on behalf of the Board, extended condolences to Manager Mike White on the loss of his sister. He then highlighted Agenda items that would be discussed during the meeting, stating that two documents would be reviewed, The Work Plan for corrective action and upgrades to the treatment facility, and an initial ESA Plan. The meeting would include public comment throughout the meeting. Terrie Hoff’s PA system was being used on a trial basis.
10/5/05 Action Items Review: Chairman Scott reviewed the action items from the previous meeting.
A motion was made by M. White, supported by B. Bystrom, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 2005. Motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. Two letters from Paul Hamblin were read as requested; one addressed District financial matters, the other a potential Eastern Service Area Advisory Committee. A motion was made by M. White, supported by D. Congdon, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
The Monthly Financial Statements were sent to the Board for review prior to the meeting. D. Congdon asked if there were any questions. D. Congdon presented the invoices on hand for payment approval. A motion was made by M. White, supported by D. Scott, to approve payment of all flood invoices that have been processed upon receipt of the insurance check and the payment of the following invoices: Administrative: V.T.S.I. – $2,552.25 and Quill – $401.03. Plant Operations: Hawkins – $450.89; Lake Country Power – $33.23 & $260.53; NTS $3,714; City of Virginia – $1,095.00; eai Engineering America – $444.64; and A-1 Services, Inc. – $225.00. Gold Coast Project: Cope & Peterson – $10,005.82; Fryberger, et al – $3,671.96; and RLK-Kuusisto – $4,007.89 less Flood portion of $745.00 ($3,262.89). Motion carried.
RLK/NTS – Treatment Plant Update and Corrective Actions
- J. Pucel reported that the initial insurance claim check should be coming in a few days. Allied Adjusters sent a fax stating that the flooding is a covered loss and is a valid claim.
- Before repair work begins, RLK will set up a meeting in Crane Lake, hopefully next week, with the Contractor and the Board to review the work plan.
- J. Pucel reviewed the updated Work Plan with the Board.
- Paul Hamblin commented on the necessity of agreement as related to an estimate on the dollar amount for repairs between RLK and the insurance adjusters.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- Wells: Petersen Drilling was on site at the Zullick property on 11/1/05. It will be a two to three step process to complete the project, which they anticipate completing this Fall.
- WINS Survey: J. Pucel presented the completed MPCA WINS Survey to the Board to be reviewed, signed and mailed to the MPCA by November 10, 2005.
- Project Forecast: The Project Forecast is part of the Work Plan and will be required to be included as part of Scott Harder’s 2006 Forecast.
- Capital Asset Plan: RLK E-mailed a Capital Asset Plan to the Board prior to the meeting and had received a few comments. M. White stated that we need to know the project costs, then a chart of asset accounts should be made. He recommended that Scott Harder and RLK work together on the Capital Asset Plan.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes 11/02/05
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report (Cont.)
- Engineer Services Amendment #5: J. Pucel stated that extra dollars were needed to finish and record the easement plat. These dollar amounts were included in the October Forecast. M. White recommended that the Engineer Services Amendment #5 be addressed after the completion of the Project Forecast.
NTS Project Status Report
- K. Winkler reported that flows have dropped off as expected. All standards are being met at the plant.
- Pipeline Locations: Mike Appelwick sent an E-mail to the Board regarding Gopher State One Call and the District’s requirement to register. Application fee will be $100.00 per year. NTS will complete the application.
- Biosolids Disposal Option: NTS E-mailed Biosolids disposal options to the Board. Land Application by law retains all environmental liability associated to biosolids land application “forever” as outlined in the EPA regulations. Transferring biosolids to an existing wastewater treatment facility does not present the same liability. Estimated yearly costs for land application – $8,461.00; for transfer to Virginia – $3,100.00. Biosolids disposal would occur twice a year.
- Preventive Annual Maintenance Plan: NTS is working on the plan, which is 50% complete.
- Bergemann IPS Replacement: The IPS station has been ordered and anticipated arrival is in two weeks.
- Hoff IPS Damage: NTS has spoken with the Contractor. A new IPS has been ordered and it will be shipped directly to Sheldon Sokoloski.
- Grinder Winterizations: Some grinder stations have been checked and/or winterized; more will be done this week. NTS will need to charge for this service next year.
- Preventive Annual Maintenance Plan: NTS will complete the plan this month.
- Spare Equipment Inventory: NTS provided an inventory of spare equipment and recommended equipment to be ordered.
- NTS presented two draft letters to be sent to Crane Lake residents regarding winterization of grinder stations for approval. A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Congdon, to approve the draft letters. Motion carried.
EFG – Report
- 2006/2007 Forecast & Rate Review: R. Scott reported that the Forecast and Rate Review are not complete, but are close to completion. Board and citizen input is being considered and assumptions are being reviewed for correctness. In was anticipated to have a plan for review and a public meeting before the end of the year. The plan now is to receive the draft 2006/2007 Forecast and Rate Review from Scott Harder within two weeks for Board review prior to the December meeting. The Board would discuss the documents at the meeting. The recommendations would be mailed to citizens for input and feedback with a Public Meeting after that.
- Late Payment Fees: A motion was made by M. White, supported by B. Bystrom for Scott Harder to provide a late payment fee procedure contingent upon that work having not been done before. Motion carried.
Eastern Service Area
· MPCA Project Priority Issues: The MPCA sent a letter with a revised scoring system for placement on the PPL (Project Priority List). RLK provided a revised worksheet and letter to be sent to the MPCA. RLK also presented a letter and packet to be sent to the MPCA PFA (Public Facilities Authority) for funding. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by B. Bystrom, to submit the revised PPL worksheet and letter based on current information to the MPCA. Motion carried. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, to submit the PFA packet and letter to the MPCA based on current information. Motion carried.
- ESA Plan: RLK provided a Draft Eastern Service Area Plan Summary comprised of Project Components, Board Action Items and Other Related Project Information. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by B. Bystrom, to use the Draft ESA Plan Summary as an initial document to work on details and to call the document the ‘ESA Outline’. Motion carried. M. White will prioritize the draft ESA Outline.
- Advisory Committee: There was Board discussion on the concept of an Advisory Committee with input from Paul Hamblin. D. Congdon was concerned about monies needed for possible consultants, attorneys, accountants and testing. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by B. Bystrom, to establish an ESA Advisory Committee. Motion carried. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott, that one or two Board members be on that committee and that an ad be placed in a newspaper for committee member candidates. Motion carried.
CLWSD Meeting Minutes 11/02/05
Loan Closing
- State Relay Number and Disabled Policy: The State Relay Number is now included on the CLWSD Letterhead. The Accessibility evaluation and transition plan was completed and sent to Rural Development prior to the October meeting.
Groomer Garage Meetings
- A letter was received from the CL Voyageur Snowmobile Club regarding use of the Groomer Garage for meetings with the requirement of $12.50 per month or $150.00 per year to assist with heating costs. A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by B. Bystrom to approve payment of $12.50 per meeting to the CLVSC for use of the Groomer Garage for meetings. B. Bystrom, D. Congdon, D. Scott & R. Scott voted for; M. White voted against. Motion carried.
P.A. System
- Terrie Hoff agreed to lend her PA system to the CLWSD for meetings. The citizenry felt the system worked fine, if the Board members remembered to use the microphone.
D. Congdon asked what should be done if the public and the Board would prefer to hold meetings at the Fellowship Hall. M. White said he would look into it.
J. Pucel stated that Stuart McKie had approached him about a rock pile in the right-of-way next to the Adams property. The rock pile was left there by Wagner Construction at the request of Dave Adams. Mr. McKie would like the rock pile removed. R. Scott recommended that RLK respond to Mr. McKie suggesting that he contact the Township Board.
D. Congdon reminded the Board that the Administrative Budget would need to be addressed at the December meeting.
Action Item Summary
- Seigley survey pin issue (RLK)
- Remaining project funds (RLK)
- Late fees (D. Congdon)
- Winterization letters (NTS)
- Meeting Location (M. White)
- Advisory Committee Newspaper Notice (Clerk)
- Administrative Budget (D. Congdon)
- Gopher State One Call procedure (NTS)
Paul Hamblin suggested that public information meetings for the ESA be set in the spring when a vast majority of the ESA people will be here. He suggested that the Board should come to conclusions related to the ESA Plan or the project will not come to fruition.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:55PM.
J. Pohlman, Clerk