November 3, 2004 – 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:32 P.M.
Members present: Managers Deena Congdon, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott and Michael White.
Members absent: Manager Bud Bystrom.
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK Kuusisto, David Hurd and Eric Appelwick of NTS, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, reporters from the Cook News-Herald and the Voyageur Sentinel and 2 members of the community.
A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 20, 2004. Motion carried.
M. White reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. J. Pucel asked that Partial Payment Estimate No. 13 for the Collection System of $24,062.55 be included as a bill to be paid. A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Congdon to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills as follows: Administrative: V.T.S.I. – $1,406.33. Project: Cope & Peterson – $502.50; Lake Country Power – $162.64 & 9.40; Hawkins – $160.58 & 136.91; NTS – $132.00, $170.00 & $7,146.50; RLK – $377.50 & $9,182.49; and Partial Payment Estimate No. 13 for the Collection System – $24,062.55. Motion carried.
The correspondence was presented to the Board. A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by R. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Kuusisto Project Status Report
- The Pre-Final Inspection meeting at the Wastewater Treatment Facility was held on November 2, 2004. There was discussion regarding the timing of retention payment to the Contractor for the Collection System as the paving of the Gold Coast Road will be completed in the spring rather than this fall. Rural Development will discuss further with RLK and Wagner before making their decision.
- Forecast – J. Pucel stated that the Forecast would be updated after receipt of the flow meter price. He stated that the change to the Forecast would include the flow meter, the Allan McKie hook-up and spare grinder pumps. The Board requested the Forecast as soon as possible with the additional items being added as received. J. Pucel will forward a Forecast to the Board at the beginning of next week.
- MDH – All Minnesota Health Department issues have been resolved but the well for the Zullick property. A liner will be inserted into the well and RLK is waiting for information from Peterson Well Drilling before proceeding. The MDH is aware of the well status and is working with RLK to complete the correction soon. RLK has approval from the MDH to move ahead with the grinder connection.
- Service Connections/Abandonments – 68 connections have been completed and inspected.
- Punch list items are being completed.
- Sodding and seeding have been completed.
- The County has indicated the Camp 40 Creek culvert will not be replaced this year.
NTS Report
- Facility Operations – The plant is operating well. Eric Appelwick of NTS reviewed the Report with the Board. A sample Customer User Instruction sheet was reviewed and discussed. Winterization procedure was discussed at length. R. Scott stated that the Board should do whatever is necessary from an operations and maintenance standpoint to see that the grinders remain operational until users are familiar with the winterization process.
- Winterization of the plant would include covering the primary and final clarifiers with Styrofoam and covering the sand filter influent supply lines with straw.
- Contract Status – A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Scott, to authorize the signing of the NTS Contract and addendum. Motion carried.
Rate Ordinance Status
- The Rate Ordinance status will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Accounting/Reporting System
- D. Congdon met with Jennifer of Glorvigen and provided her with a Chart of Accounts from the CTAS program. Jennifer will suggest the accounts for the District to use.
- Glorvigen is still working on the 2003 audit.
- M. White asked if the CTAS program interfaced with other programs. It does not.
- M. White will review the assignment of fixed assets to life groups.
- A procedure must be developed for the ability to have customized reports.
Special Assessments
- A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by D. Congdon, authorizing M. White to notify St. Louis County of any required changes to the Special Assessments. Motion carried.
Eastern Service Area Plan
- M. White talked to Gary Cerkvenik of Costin Group, Inc. regarding his progress on his review of St. Louis County Health Department’s current ordinance as it pertains to the Eastern Service Area. Mr. Cerkvenik was also asked to look into acquiring the aerial photos of the District from Ayres.
- There is no reported progress on this issue at this time. M. White will pursue.
Delinquent Payment Procedure
- There was discussion of transferring amounts of accounts over 60-days old to the County to be placed on property owner’s taxes. The Board will not take action this year as the amounts are not significant but will do so in 2005.
Board Appointments
- D. Congdon and D. Scott’s terms on the Board will be completed on January 2, 2005. Notices have been posted and a notice has been placed in the Voyageur Sentinel for the positions. D. Congdon and D. Scott may apply for reappointment.
Mr. Hurd of NTS asked if Board approval was needed for expenses of plant winterization and winterization of grinder pump stations of those customers that have closed their homes for the winter season. The Board agreed that these items should be considered as included in the contract.
J. Pucel of RLK stated that the plant flow was currently at approximately 2,600 gallons per day.
R. Scott asked if RLK was doing inspections on the abandonments as well as connections. They are.
J. Pucel stated that Quality Flow would return to check the electrical on each grinder pump station.
Dorothy Mohr asked for clarification on several issues including, the average flow from the plant per day, the liner on the Zullick well, winterization and the affect of frequent power outages and glitches on the plant. Her questions were addressed by J. Pucel. The power outages concern will be looked into.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:10P.M.
J. Pohlman, Clerk