Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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November 7, 2012 – 7:30 P.M.



The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rob Scott at 7:30P.M.


Members present:  Managers Bruce Beste, Bill Congdon & Rob Scott

Members absent: Mark Anderson and Darrell Scott

Also present: Maintenance Worker Jim Pohlman, Clerk/Treasurer Jo Ann Pohlman and a reporter from the Cook News-Herald.


Opening Comments:  Chairman Scott stated that the Board would review funding rates going into 2013, check the integrity of the sewer system and discuss the Handberg Road Expansion.





Minutes:  A motion was made by B. Beste, supported by B. Congdon, to approve the minutes of the Board of Managers’ Regular Meeting of September 5, 2012.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Correspondence:  The correspondence list was reviewed by the Board.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treasurer/Accountant Report:  Clerk/Treasurer J. Pohlman reviewed the Treasurer’s Report.  September & October 2012 payroll expenses, including payroll taxes, were as follows: Administrative – $2,476.90 and Operations – $6,057.65. The 2011 Audit has been completed by Glorvigen and emailed to the Board, Rural Development and LMCIT.  Hard copies will be mailed for the District files.  Adjustments were made to the District Quick Books accounting program reflecting the 2011 Audit. The 3rd Quarter Quick Books entries were reviewed by Jennifer of Glorvigen. The August, September 2012 financial statements, presented to the Board, and current balances were reviewed. A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented and the payment of bills as follows:  October – Administrative: Costin Group – $1,000.00 and Fryberger – $274.10.  Operations:  Lake Country Power – $546.37, $60.12, $24.05, $24.05 & $25.00; Citi-Lites – $75.00; Gopher State One-Call – $4.35; Grand Rapids Public Utilities – $723.65; Hawkins – $2,264.28; Pace Analytical – $280.00; USA Blue Book – $119.24  and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,883.30.   November – Administrative:  Costin Group – $2,248.00 and LMCIT – $113.00.  Operations:  Lake Country Power – $465.30, $101.53, $44.89, $44.89 & $45.00; Hawkins – $51.35; LMCIT – $1,159.00; Pace  Analytical – $140.00; USABlueBook – $199.00; Ziegler – $822.94; Automatic Systems – $1,485.87 and Terry’s Operational Services – $1,217.69.   All voted in favor and the motion carried.  The Board did not approve payment of Quality Flow Invoice #25128 for $630.00.


Fund Transfers:  A motion was made by R. Scott, supported by B. Congdon to transfer $2,000.00 from the Operating Fund to Capital Reserve Savings.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


USDA-RD Debt Service and Forecast Revenues/Expenses:  R. Scott and B. Congdon attended a meeting with Rural Development on 9/11/12 in St. Paul.  The CLWSD application for Stage 1 USDA-RD assistance for a $1.8 million expansion and a $35,000 search grant for future expansion planning were discussed.  The District is requesting more grant dollars than loan.  The USDA-RD indicated that if the District achieves grant funding from other non-USDA sources, the USDA-RD would not reduce in proportion, or at all, its grant award for the project.  A letter is being sent to Colleen Landkamer, State Director of Rural Development, thanking her for the meeting and outlining the meeting discussion.


Rate Schedule Review:  The Board will review the need for a rate increase.


DNR Billing:  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, to dialog with the DNR on the timeline for payment to replace the District’s income loss due to the proposed purchase of Water’s Edge RV Park by the DNR. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


CLWSD Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2012




  • Delinquent Accounts:  There were no delinquent accounts to certify to St. Louis County for collection.
  • CLWSD Board Appointments:  Mark Anderson’s and Rob Scott’s Manager positions will end on December 31, 2012.  The District will request that the Township post the openings.
  • Terry Jackson Contract Renewal:  Terry Jackson will be contacted regarding his contract renewal for 2013.  


Legal Issues

  • RLK Arbitration:  The District is moving from Mediation to Arbitration. There will be a closed meeting following this regular Board of Manager’s Meeting to discuss the arbitration process.


JPB Update

  • VNP Comprehensive Plan:  The VNP Clean Water Joint Powers Board met at the Cook Land Department office on October 24, 2012.  Julie Kennedy of S.E.H. Engineering provided the following update:  Gary Cerkvenik continues to work toward future funding.  Work continues with the DNR on the Puck’s Point project. Kabetogama will have training on operation of a new sewer system.  Work on the CLWSD Handberg Road Expansion continues.


S.E.H. Update

  • CSAH 24 Easements:  Randy Jenniges was not present to report.
  • Grinder Capacity Review:  Randy Jenniges is working on this review.
  • DNR – RV Campground:  The Board discussed the reduction of EDU’s by various businesses in the community.  B. Beste and B. Congdon will communicate with Fryberger, Buchanan on how best to handle EDU removals/changes and report at the December meeting.
  • Handberg Road Expansion:

Holding Tanks: There was no update.

DNR – Landing:  The DNR Landing on Handberg Road will be included in expansion plans.

Engineer Services Grant Request:  Randy Jenniges is working with Rural Development for a $35,000                              grant to help with engineering service expenses for the Handberg Road Expansion.

Federal Grant Application:  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by B. Beste, to adopt                                   Resolution No. 2012-02 Authorizing the Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District to make Application to the                        Iron Range Resources Public Works (09) Infrastructure Grant Program for the Handberg Road Extension.           All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treatment Plant and Operations Report

  • Jim Pohlman read Terry Jackson reports for both September and October.  Terry anticipates that upon receipt of the final laboratory results all effluent limitations were met.
  • The main control panel at the plant failed and was repaired expeditiously.
  • Chemical doses have been reduced in response to seasonally lower flows to the plant.
  • The plant is winterized.
  • Tests are being run to optimize the interrelationship of the chemical dosages vs. the flow and organic loadings.
  • A proposal was received from Ziegler Cat to perform Level 3 (cooling system fluid replacement) and Level 9 (battery replacement) on the generator.  A motion was made by B. Congdon, supported by R. Scott, to approval the proposal for Ziegler Cat to perform Level 3 and Level 9 on the generator at a cost of $1,748.35 (plus any applicable taxes, service supplies and environmental charges); which includes all parts, labor and travel.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  Terry will be notified of the Board’s decision.


PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 Minute Limit):  There were none.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM


Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk






This draft of the CLWSD minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the CLWSD Board of Managers.

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD