October 23, 2002 – 7:30 PM
Study Session – 7:00 – 7:30PM
Vice-Chairman Darrell Scott introduced Mike Applewick of Northeast Technical Services, Inc. (NTS). Mr. Applewick explained the nature of his business to the Board and community members. Mr. Applewick’s company is being considered for operation of the wastewater treatment plant. He presented a working contract that is open to discussion and consideration by the Board.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Darrell Scott at 7:30PM.
Members present: Managers Jim Sanborn, Darrell Scott, Deena Congdon, and Mike White.
Members absent: David Dill.
Also present: John Jamnick and Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto Ltd., Roger Clapp of Rural Development, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Cook News Herald, contractors bidding on the projects, and 7 members of the community.
The Board acknowledged receipt of the bids. The bids were opened and read by Jim Pucel. The apparent low bidders were: Wastewater Collection System – Utility Systems of America, Inc. of Eveleth, MN at $1,686,429.50 for the Total Base Bid, $77,082.80 for Add. Alternate No. 1, and $40,469.00 for Add. Alternate No. 2. Wastewater Treatment System – Rice Lake Construction Group of Deerwood, MN at $1,177,000.00 for the Total Base Bid, and $225,000 for Option No. 1. The bids are over budget. The bid packages were given to the engineers for review.
Vice-Chairman Darrell Scott called a five-minute recess.
- The correspondence was presented to the Board. Motion by M. White, supported by D. Congdon to place the correspondence on file and act up as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Kuusisto Progress Report
- Jim Pucel distributed the Project Status Report to the Board.
- J. Jamnick commented on the bids. They were higher than anticipated with the bids for the Treatment Facility coming in twice as high as expected. He will talk to the apparent low bidder as to how he arrived at his prices.
- Mr. Jamnick anticipated more contractors to bid on the Collection System and will ask interested contractors why they did not bid the project.
- Mr. Jamnick will review his findings and provide a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting.
- M. White asked that J. Jamnick and Clerk J. Pohlman ask Mary Frances Skala of Fryberger et al if we should proceed with the Public Hearing planned for November 6 and report back to the Board with her advice.
Easements Status Report
- D. Congdon had not received the Easement Status Report from Cope & Peterson but will distribute it to the Board upon receipt.
Right-of-Way Jurisdiction
- Advice from Cope & Peterson on the right-of-way jurisdiction for Harding Manor, Town of Chase, and Baylis Crane Lake Addition had not been received but will be distributed to the Board upon receipt.
- The Board will send a letter to the Town of Crane Lake regarding right-of-way jurisdiction upon receipt of Cope & Peterson’s advice.
Ordinance Plan & Rate Schedule – List from Mary Frances Skala
- The list of questions for the Board to discuss regarding the sewer ordinance was just received from Mary Frances Skala.
- M. White & D. Congdon will review the list and report to the Board.
Eastern Service Area Plan
- The engineers anticipate having a draft plan with cost estimates and a preliminary design after the current Western Service Area bidding issues are resolved.
A motion was made by M. White, supported by J. Sanborn to acknowledge receipt of the bids and to turn the bid packets over to the engineers for review. Motion carried.
The next Board of Managers Regular Meeting and Public Hearing will be on November 6, 2002 at 7:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel with a study session before the meeting beginning at 7:00PM.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
J. Pohlman