Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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CLWSD Minutes – October 3, 2001
7:30 PM
Crane Lake Chapel
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Darrell Scott at 7:30 PM.Members present: Managers Mike White, Darrell Scott and Deena Congdon.
Members absent: Managers Jim Sanborn and David Dill.
Also present: John Jamnick of RLK-Kuusisto Ltd., Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman and 6 members of the community.Motion by M. White, supported by D. Congdon to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 12, 2000. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by D. Congdon, supported by M. White to approve the August Treasurer’s Report and payment of $288.00 to Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, $47.95 to Quill Corp. and $302.50 to Cope & Peterson. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s Report indicated an ending cash balance of $7,945.42. The remaining bills of $7,627.00 will be deferred to November.

The correspondence was presented to the Board and acted upon as required.

  • M. White asked Clerk J. Pohlman to contact Barbara Conti of the MPCA to insure that Kristi Wheeler is on their Western Service Area mailing list and was included in their mailing of August 17, 2001. Barbara Conti should also be provided a copy of Ms. Wheeler’s e-mail to the Board.
  • M. White questioned the Cost per Connection figures on the Wastewater Project Information Form sent to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority on September 25, 2001. Potential actual cost distribution should be equivalent dwelling units rather than properties connected to the system.

MPCA Hearing

  • The CLWSD’s EAW Hearing was postponed from the September 25, 2001 MPCA meeting date.
  • Clerk J. Pohlman was asked to contact D. Dill asking him to contact the MPCA to check on the current schedule for the CLWSD EAW decision.
  • J. Jamnick, RLK Kuusisto suggested that the Rural Development December 1, 2001 dead line be extended due to the MPCA schedule and the strike by state employees.

Minnesota Historical Society Meeting (MHS) – 9/26/2001

  • D. Dill, J. Jamnick of RLK-Kuusisto, Kevin Peterson of the DNR, two employees from the USFS, and two representatives from the MHS met at 1PM on September 26, 2001 to view the proposed discharge sites from the original Baylis Bay Site to the mouth of the Vermilion River Sites. After the tour the meeting was held at Voyagaire Lodge.
  • The DNR had issues with the proposed discharge temperature and a potential effect on fish spawning at the mouth of the Vermilion River.
  • The MHS encouraged the District to consider their five lots farther down the shore from the mouth of the river. Those lots are between the Kristi Wheeler property and the Paul Hamblin property.
  • J. Jamnick will get a legal description of MHS land.
  • The DNR and the MHS are both very receptive to the above-mentioned location, as the effluent would be entering the flow of the river current at that point.
  • J. Jamnick plans to meet with two USFS representatives from Cook regarding the Treatment Plant site. It was suggested that D. Dill attend that meeting.

Facility Plan

  • John Jamnick reviewed the Draft of the revised Facility Plan with the Board.
  • The revised Facility Plan includes consideration of a grinder pump pressure sewer collection system.
  • The treatment facilties consider use of either a recirculating sand filter or an extended aeration facility.
  • Sludge locations would be consolidated into a single location.
  • A map of the area is being created to show properties to identify property tax numbers so property owners can be identified.
  • M. White suggested that a map be made of the entire District and include identity of Eastern and Western Service Areas.
  • RLK-Kuusisto will be provided a copy of the ISTS Report to assist in the mapping project.
  • Some outstanding issues remain to be resolved before RLK-Kuusisto can submit final recommendations.

Rural Development Funding

  • The December 1, 2001 commitment date for Rural Development Funding is important as it is needed for the WIF funding.
  • Data is being collected to be sent to Rural Development.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Funding

  • A bill must be passed by the House and Senate. The House Bill lists 16 projects at $250,000 each. The CLWSD project is one of the 16. The Senate Bill does not list the projects. Any negotiations could cut projects.
  • John Jamnick will speak to Terry Engel to see where our project stands.
  • To avoid a conflict of interest, D. Dill will not be participating in the CLWSD’s pursuit of this funding.

CDBG Funding

  • $100,000 is available, waiting for construction to begin.
  • Clerk J. Pohlman should contact D. Dill asking him to write a letter to the County asking for a time extension.

ISTS Payment

  • M. White has received documents from two properties qualified for ISTS funds.
  • M. White will be processing that information soon.

Web Site

  • M. White sent a set of questions to D. Congdon for consideration.
  • M. White recommended turning the project over to D. Congdon.
  • Motion by M. White, supported by D. Scott to turn the project of designing and establishing the web site over to D. Congdon. Motion carried.
  • D. Dill will be contacted to look into IRRRB funding to pay for website set up.
  • Motion by M. White, supported by D. Congdon to buy the front-page software and proceed with the understanding that the contract can be cancelled at will by the Board. Motion carried.

Ordinance Review

  • M. White has not completed reviewing the questions and will report at the next meeting.

Other Business – None

Public Comments

  • What would the Operating & Maintenance costs of the Recirculating Sand Filter be? Answer: $55,700 per year.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD