September 3, 2003 – 7:30 PM
Study Session: 7:00 – 7:30PM
Jim Pucel reviewed the Project Status Report. No work was completed this month on the Wastewater Collection System. The Contractor will be mobilizing this week and will begin work next week. The Contractor completed preparation of the subgrade for the sand filter and stockpiled filter materials on site at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. The first concrete pour for the base slab was done. Construction schedules were attached to the report.
RLK met with Rob Scott on August 27, 2003 to discuss the grinder pump submittals. Rob Scott reported that he agreed with RLK that both grinder pump systems, E/ONE and Barnes, met the functional intent of the specifications and that the purchase cost differences were not a significant factor. Rob emphasized that the Board needed to determine which pump is best suited to the needs of the CLWSD beyond the functional intent with three additional areas to be reviewed: 1. The overall track record of the Barnes and E/ONE grinder pumps installed in similar environments and topography to the CLWSD, 2. Develop an O & M cost comparison, and 3. Identify the serviceability of each grinder pump. Rob agreed with RLK’s recommendation that the Barnes grinder pump met the functional intent of the specs and additionally recommended that the Board allow 30 more days to research the above listed three items.
Bud Bystrom reported that he had contacted three grinder pump user locations in the International Falls area and all three use the Hydrostatic brand pump.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael White at 7:35PM.
Members present: Managers Darrell Scott, Mike White, Jim Sanborn, Deena Congdon and Bud Bystrom.
Members absent: None
Also present: Jim Pucel of RLK-Kuusisto Ltd., Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Cook News-Herald, a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel and 7 members of the community.
Motion by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, 2003. Motion carried.
Treasurer M. White has requested that D. Congdon create a new accounting system with the assistance of Scott Harder. M. White stated that Scott Harder’s time could possibly be split between the Administrative Fund and the Gold Coast Project. He will seek Rural Development’s approval on this. A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Congdon to approve the August Treasurer’s Report; the payment of the following bills: Administrative: Quill – $185.97; Fryberger,Buchanan (Mary Frances Skala) – 8,968.65 and Scott Harder, EFG – $2,594.64; and to transfer $21,052 from Project Funds to Administrative Funds. Motion carried.
- The correspondence was presented to the Board.
- In reference to Allan McKie’s letter requesting a response to his letter of 6/10/03, D. Congdon did telephone Mr. McKie and felt this would be sufficient. A letter will be written to Mr. McKie.
- A motion was made by D. Scott, supported by J. Sanborn that the correspondence be placed on file and acted upon as required. Motion carried.
RLK-Project Status Report
- See Study Session above.
- J. Pucel presented Partial Payment Estimate No. 2 for the Wastewater Treatment Project in the amount of $101,925.02 for Board approval. Work completed included common excavation for sand filter, rock excavation for the treatment building, water service from the well to the building, mobilization and purchasing and delivery of the reinforcement steel.
- A motion was made by B. Bystom, supported by D. Congdon to sign and submit the pay estimate after review. Motion carried.
- J. Pucel spoke to Sharon at St. Louis County regarding the 911 number. A map of the treatment site has been sent to the County as requested. It was also determined that the County will furnish and install the road sign.
- Brandywine was the accent color selected for the treatment facility.
Grinder Pumps – Rob Scott
- There was discussion about the availability of time to further review grinder pump selection.
- A motion was made by B. Bystrom, supported by D. Scott that RLK make a recommendation considering the Overall System Considerations presented by Rob Scott within 30 days and identify a progress update by the September 17 meeting with the possibility of adding other pumps for consideration. Motion carried.
Easements/Right-of-Way Issues
- All easements for the main line have been signed.
- Most individual easements have been signed. Some mortgage companies still need to sign easements.
- M. White asked D. Congdon to ask Alicia Cope and Dave Serrano of RLK for an Easements Completion Plan.
- A letter will be written to Allan McKie regarding his requested easement cancellation.
Environmental Financial Group
· M. White, D. Congdon, and Scott Harder will meet on September 15 to determine a special assessment . Payment of the assessment would begin in 2004.
- The Ordinance will be approved and the special assessment amount will be set at the September 17 meeting.
- A Public Hearing will be set for October 11 to address the special assessment and related taxing sub-district.
- A motion was made by J. Sanborn, supported by D. Congdon to authorize setting a higher than anticipated assessment amount at the September 15 meeting if necessary to meet the County requirements. Motion carried.
- Scott Harder and D. Congdon will meet to discuss potential accounting systems.
- M. White stated that Scott Harder’s participation in the project has been invaluable.
- D. Congdon suggested that businesses speak to Scott Harder about assessment concerns. M. White felt they should go through the same process as everyone else at the Hearing.
2003 Forecast – 2004 Budget/Levy
- A motion was made by D. Congdon, supported by D. Scott to set the levy amount at $77,250 to be reviewed at the December meeting to look at the possibility of reducing the levy amount. The Board has the option of reducing the levy at that time, but not increasing. Motion carried.
- Mary Frances Skala of Fryberger, Buchanan assured M. White that the Ordinance will be to the Board by the middle of next week. The Board will be able to review the Ordinance before the September 17 meeting.
- A question remains on the required hook-up distance from the sewer line.
- After the Ordinance is approved and enacted, it is intended to be sent to at least all WSA property owners.
Project Requirements
- M. White encourages the Board members to contact him to add projects to the schedule.
Lake Sampling Report
- B. Bystrom reported that sampling had been done between Indian Island and the West shore of Crane Lake; near Scott’s dock; and the outfall of the Vermilion River with good results.
- The chloride in the lake is marginal; probably from road runoff.
Regarding Board appointments. Resolutions have been sent to the County and the MPCA to move the appointment authority from the County to the Town Board. It was not on the County’s agenda on September 2nd. Mary Frances Skala will look into the County’s intent.
D. Congdon stated that some people may not understand the increase in the levy amount.
Virginia Clifford asked that the ordinance be placed on the website before it is voted on. M. White said that the Board would need to review the ordinance first. Virginia than asked if input from the public was wanted. M. White stated that the ordinance would be presented to the public.
Virginia Clifford asked B. Bystrom if the E Coli count was low in Crane Lake. He replied yes.
Rob Scott asked if it would be possible to summarize the 28-page lake report to present to the public. Bud Bystrom agreed to summarize and distribute the summarized results of the MPCA Year 2001 sampling program prior to Sunday, September 7th.
Shirley Sanborn asked if there was a place planned for RV’s to dump sewage. J. Pucel said only at Beddow’s Campground at this time. J. Pucel asked the Board if this was something they should look into. M. White replied yes.
Virginia Clifford asked about houseboat waste. J. Pucel said there was a grinder to process it.
Steve Latowski asked what the houseboats did with gray water. A response was that it may be legal to discharge into the lake.
J. Pucel asked if the houseboats would need to dump the gray water into the system when it is operating. M. White said he had asked our attorney whether or not jurisdiction of that would transfer to our plant when operating. An answer from the County has not been received yet. An answer to this question must be received before rates can be determined.
Virginia Clifford stated that if businesses and individuals must use the system for gray water, the houseboats should also.
Rob Scott asked if the ordinance approval on September 17th would apply to phase one only (exclusive of rates). M. White said there would be rate references only; such as, the penalty phase.
Rob Scott referred to the four-fold increase in the levy amount and asked if the Board will be able to give the public a method of determining the effect on individual properties.
Rob Scott asked if there was an injunction appeal process going on. M. White responded not to our knowledge.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.
J. Pohlman