This newsletter is being mailed to all property owners within the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District and other interested parties. It provides a summary of Board of Managers activities and related requirements for Board decisions.
The CLWSD Website is now available to all members who have Internet access. The website address is Although some pages are still being completed, we urge you to visit the website and submit to us your comments, questions and/or concerns. The Board is confident you will find the website to be very user friendly.
On September 26th a meeting was held at Crane Lake that included representatives of the CLWSD Board, RLK-Kuusisto Engineering, the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS), the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The meeting resulted in agreement that the MHS would grant a fee access or easement to Crane Lake through their property south of the mouth of the Vermilion River.
On October 23rd the Minnesota Pollution Control agency (MPCA) approved the CLWSD Environmental Assessment Worksheet without the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This allows for a Discharge Site into the main body of the lake anywhere from the County Dock to the MHS property south of the river mouth.
The Treatment Plant Sites were prioritized by the Board with the Fire Department Site #1, the Eggen Site #2, and the Potlatch Site #3. The determination of the proposed site has become a critical issue as it relates to deadlines that must be met to secure the funding from Rural Development. The Board and its engineering firm, RLK-Kuusisto, are currently pursuing all treatment plant site alternatives in an attempt to protect the funding availability.
The Rural Development funding requirements are the Board’s current major project with all items due by December 1st. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative was scheduled to review the project site on Tuesday, November 6th. A grant extension is being requested from St. Louis County on the CDBG Grant of $100,000. The next newsletter will include the results of these efforts.
The Ordinance Advisory Committee’s report was received at the Board’s September meeting. It included numerous questions that must be answered before the Ordinance can be enacted. The Board is currently working on a response to the Committee Report. The Ordinance is quite complex and will require an extensive review with resultant modification before enactment.
The Board’s objective continues to be to provide a cost effective system that protects the environment. Community interest and involvement are key items in achieving that objective. The Board is confident the new website will be a major contributor toward achieving these objectives.
E-mail address –
Board of Managers:
Deena Congdon 993-2266 Darrell Scott 993-2378
David Dill 993-2252 * Mike White 993-2424
Jim Sanborn 993-2404
*Newsletter Writer |