Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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CLWSD Newsletter #2 September 2001
This newsletter is being mailed to all residents of the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District and other interested parties. It provides a summary of activities within the District and related requirements for Board decisions.

At the June 6, 2001 Board meeting the Plant and Discharge Site Advisory Committee was authorized to hire the RLK Kuusisto engineering firm to evaluate potential sites. The resultant report was presented to the Board at a Special Meeting on August 8, 2001. This completed the Committee’s project, the importance of which cannot be over-stated. A big Thank You to Committee Members Bob Bowers, Brent Bystrom, Deena Congdon, Paul Hamblin and Mike White.

At the August 8, 2001 Special Meeting the Board prioritized treatment sites with the Fire Department Site #1, the Eggen Site #2 and the Potlatch Site #3. Discharge sites into the main body of the lake were ranked with the mouth of the Vermilion River #1 and the County Public Dock #2. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) was notified of these rankings and preliminary discussions have been initiated with affected landowners.

The MPCA has announced that they will re-consider the Crane Lake Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) with proposed site changes at the MPCA meeting of September 25, 2001. The MPCA believes the changes to the original proposal do not warrant preparation of a new EAW. The Board does not currently anticipate any problems at this meeting and expects a favorable ruling will result from the meeting.

At the August 8, 2001 Special Meeting the Board voted unanimously to terminate the contract with Ayres Associates. At the same meeting the Board then voted to enter into a contract with RLK Kuusisto as the new engineering firm. The Contract with RLK Kuusisto is in process and will soon be finalized.

The Board’s next major project is to finalize the funding requirements for the Gold Coast Project. Toward that end, RLK Kuusisto met with Rural Development to determine current requirements from the Board. In addition, David Dill is also investigating other potential funding sources. The next Newsletter will clarify this as more definite information should be available.

The September 12, 2001 Board meeting included a Public Hearing on the 2002 Tax Levy for administrative expenses. The Board anticipates a total levy of $15,000, which will be the same as in recent years. A 2002 Budget was prepared as a base for the levy determination. Comparisons were also made with 2000 actual and 2001 forecasted expenses.

The initial draft of the District’s first and primary ordinance was received in July. An Ordinance Advisory Committee was appointed to review the Ordinance and identify potential problems that may require Board action. The Committee Report was presented at the September 12, 2001 meeting. A summary of the report will be included in the next Newsletter. Thank You from the Board and District to Committee Members Shannon Bowers, Bill Congdon, Al McKie and Bob Mohr.

Action has been initiated related to establishment of a CLWSD Website that could include such items as Board meeting minutes, financial statements, newsletters, by-laws, ordinances and other related documents. The Board invites your comments and suggestions related to a website. More to follow on this topic. The website address is:

The Board has learned that the MPCA is monitoring Crane Lake’s water quality in the May through September period of this year. This is being done because the MPCA did not have historical data and wanted background data before the wastewater treatment plant becomes operational. It is also part of a larger monitoring effort taking place on other area lakes by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service. The Board anticipates receiving a report by next spring.

The continuing objective of the Board is to provide a cost effective system that protects the environment. The recent increases in community interest and community involvement are making it easier to achieve that objective. Therefore, we continue to encourage your questions, comments and attendance at our Board meetings.

Board of Managers: 
E-mail address –
Deena Congdon 993-2266
Darrell Scott – 993-2378
David Dill – 993-2252
Mike White – 993-2424*
Jim Sanborn – 993-2404

*Newsletter Writer

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD