Crane Lake, Minnesota Water & Sanitary District  
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Public Meeting Notice

Special Joint Meeting of

 Town of CRANE LAKE and CRANE LAKE WATER AND SANITARY District, September 2, 2020, 4:00 P.M.

Dear Property Owner;

You are being notified of this special meeting because you have property in the CLWSD or the proposed annexation area, Kicker BLVD.

A Special Joint Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District (the “CLWSD”) and the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Crane Lake will be held on September 2, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at Crane Lake Chapel, Fellowship Hall, 7399 Handberg Road, Crane Lake, MN 55725 and remotely via ZOOM for the purpose of informing citizens of the proposed annexation of the Kicker Boulevard area (Sand Point Lake) in the Town of Crane Lake to CLWSD.

To join the Zoom meeting, use the following link: at 4:00 p.m. om September 2, 2020. Masks are required if you are planning to attend in person.

Annexation of Kicker Blvd into the CLWSD offers the residents of Kicker BLVD the voluntary opportunity to participate in the district and its resources.  If you have questions in advance of the meeting, please forward them via email to so that we make sure we can address them during the meeting.

As always, you are free to contact any of the CLWSD board members:

Rob Scott  (218)248-0779                                       Darrel Scott  (218)750-0214

Mark Anderson  (218)780-2019                          Bonnie Caughey  (763)213-3374

Bruce Beste  (218)391-5108                                 Jo Ann Pohlman  (218)993-1303

Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District
P.O. Box 306 · Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725
© 2001 CLWSD